Category Archives: Monkey-X

Friction for Smooth Movement

One of my self challenges for 2015 is to create 1 game a month starting in February. So I decided to start with a classic type of arcade game, a scrolling shooter.

The first implementation of the game only moved when the player was using input to control the ship. As soon as the player let off the key or stopped touching the screen, the ship would stop. This did not feel natural at all. In order to give the game a smooth and more natural feel, I decided to introduce a friction factor so that the player is slowed down a little until coming to a complete stop. Like this

If velocity in x direction >= friction
velocity is reduced by friction amount
If velocity in x direction < friction velocity is 0 Same for the y direction. You may need to play around with what the friction value is to determine what feels natural. Also, the frame rate that you choose for your game will affect what this value is. Note: you may need to account for both positive and negative velocities, depending on how you implement movement in your game.

Monkey-X and Connecting to Your Server

While traveling to visit family this past weekend I was attempting to set up a simple high score server for Prism Ship. I decided to use Sinatra for the backend because it would allow me to make a very simple and quick server using only a couple of lines since I don’t need an interface of any kind. Little did I know this simple task would turn out to take several hours.

This was partly caused by my lack of familiarity with Monkey-X and partly allergies.


I was staying with some relatives and the females all went shopping and what not. My brother-in-law had made plans to spend the afternoon gaming at a friends house (Dark Souls II anyone?) so I tagged along figuring I would just program while they played. Better than sitting in an empty apartment for 5 hours right?

I had been to this friends house before but forgot about the pets. Normally I don’t have any problems with dogs or cats and didn’t the last time I was there (which was probably because we spent a majority of the time outside on that visit). However, this visit caused very annoying allergy type symptoms to be present for 4.5/5 hours.

Now, the server was simple enough to set up. Just a few lines of Ruby using Sinatra to test.

require 'sinatra'

get '/' do
body "High Score List"

It’s really that simple.

First Problem – Different Domains

I noticed that despite following the instructions in the documentation for the brl.httprequest module in Monkey-X, I was not getting expected output. So I opened the dev tools in the browser and saw this:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: access denied
After a brief investigation, it seemed to be related to CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing). It was caused by trying to run the game on the localhost and accessing the Sinatra server running on Heroku. This is fixed with a little addition to the Ruby code:
require 'sinatra'

get '/' do
response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = "*"
body "High Score List"

This is not very secure, but it fits our purposes for the time being.

Second Problem – Not Carefully Reading Documentation

A nose that is running because of excessive cat and dog dander will keep you from thinking straight and reading carefully. I missed an important line in the HttpRequest documentation that says – “Your application must continously call UpdateAsyncEvents at regular intervals (for example, once per OnUpdate) while an http request operation is in progress for it to complete.”

My little program was sending just fine, I could see the server send back a nice HTTP:200 code, but the game would not fire the OnHttpComplete method.

The very next time I sat down to work on this problem, it took less than 5 minutes of googling and reading to find the cause. I put the UpdateAsyncEvents line in and everything just started working.

Moral of the story

Read documentation carefully and try not to program somewhere that will cause you to have a runny nose (or other types of distractions).

Mini Ludum Dare 56 and First Game

So I had heard about Ludum Dare game jams before, but never participated in one. It just so happened that they were running a very loosely ruled 48 hour mini jam this past weekend and I submitted a game for it (and its actually kinda fun).

You can play it on

Prism Ship - Game 1/11

Prism Ship – Game 1/11

One of the hardest parts was I was trying to make the controls touch friendly, so it could be played on a smart phone or tablet (screen size/ scaling still needs to be made mobile friendly). The touch controls are a little more limited than the keyboard consequently. The keyboard allows movement in all 4 directions using WASD or the arrow keys while touch only allows left and right movement by touching to one side. I actually find it easier to drag my finger along under the “ship” to move it (which is why there is space under it).

Originally I was just drawing boxes to the screen, but forcing the browser to draw every update is a little slow and resource taxing so I made some simple graphics (that are essentially the same boxes) using a wonderfully useful and simple site called make8bitart. The interface is intuitive and very easy to use. Saving is as simple as dragging the image to your desktop from the browser. Highly recommend.

Lots of improvements to be made but not bad for my first game. Next week I will begin working on a simple high score server for it.

X Marks the Language

So, I accidentally discovered an awesome little language for game programming. There I was, browsing Hacker News and clicked a link to read some blog post. The post was well written and interesting so I noted the url to come back for more later.

A week later, wanting something to read, I started going through a couple older posts on the previously noted blog and came across this article on community and vibrancy. In it the author referred to an amazing community around a language that most “real” programmers look down on and the amazing productivity that people seem to be getting out of it. I checked out the language, which in turn led me to a spinoff language/framework that had been created.

X Marks the Monkey

The language in question is Monkey-X. It is for game programming and has a lot of similarities to Basic. What is cool about it is that it is designed to write the games once and publish them on multiple platforms, including Xbox, Mac, Playstation, Android, IOS, Windows, and the Web.

Two of the things that really got me excited about it though is that for publishing to desktop and web, it is completely free (as in no dinero required) and it is available to run on Linux. Not that your average gamer plays on a Linux box, but I sometimes do (Battle of Wesnoth anyone?).

Get Started

If you want to try it out you can download it here, although you will need to create an account on their website.

In addition, there is a fantastic series on getting started with the language and even making a simple game on youtube. The links can be found in the Monkey-X forum. Or you can go directly to the youtube channel.