First Monkey-X Game: Restarting the Game

Now that the player can get to a game over state, we need to let them restart the game without having to refresh the web page.


We will add a new check for after the player has been destroyed for the ENTER key to be pressed to try again. Also we will add a message in the game over screen to tell players what they need to do.

Let’s start by adding the instructions to the Game Over screen on how to restart.

Now we want a way to reset the game whenever ENTER is pressed from the Game Over scene. We will do this by creating a small method in our game that goes through and deletes all of our enemies and bullets and recreates the Player.

You will notice that we have a new method here called CreatePlayer. Our next step is to refactor the code from our OnCreate method into this method so we can recreate our player when we reset the game.

The final step is to add the code to call the GameReset method when the ENTER key is pressed from the Game Over state. This will make its home in the Game’s OnUpdate method.

And now our player can easily start over when their little character gets destroyed.

Our next step will be creating a boss character and an end state to our game.

I Want to Be a Better Developer