Game Design Rough Draft Part 1 – SpaceShip BattleChess

As part of a larger game, I am building sub game prototypes to test out and tweak the rules and features of each sub game to make sure they are fun standalone before integrating them into the whole.
The first subgame that I want to make is very similar to a game I have made in the past. The basic idea is a turn based space ship combat game where the ships move on a grid and fire their weapons at each other in sequence. Ultimately the ships turret loadout will be customizable and the ships will have a captain and crew with various properties.
I am looking to build the bare bones of this prototype in about 2 weeks with a little time each day. After that I will plan out follow up work to add features and test them out. The first 2 weeks is just getting the basic move and shoot functionality.
Currently planning on using PhaserJS, Flask, and Socket IO.

I Want to Be a Better Developer