There is a fantastic single player / cooperative campaign for the Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures came called Heroes of the Arturi Cluster or HotAC for short. The original HotAC has the players as Rebel pilots vs the Empire.
Then there is Flight Group Alpha (FGA) which has missions based on the old TIE Fighter game. In that you fly for the Empire.
But I have not come across an easily found campaign for the Scum and Villany faction. I did stumble onto a PDF inside of a Table Top Simulator Mod for HotAC that had the beginnings of how you would play a Scum campaign called “Villians of the Arturi Cluster” written by the creator of the FGA campaign but it was unfinished.
There were pilot cards and a couple of different angles suggested on how to play it but no campaign actually created.
This is my attempt to write a Scum faction campaign that hopefully others will enjoy.
WARNING: This is a living document and the campaign has not yet been fully playtested or balanced. You can send any playtest notes you have to travis at
Many of the missions, mechanics and gameplay elements where originally developed for the above mentioned Heroes of the Arturi Cluster Co-op Campaign by Josh Derksen, and have been updated from X-Wing version 1.0 to 2.0 and beyond by Shaun Tiernan with help from others. This campaign utilizes the terrain and components developed for HotAC very heavily.
Additional gameplay elements and mission structures from Flight Group Alpha and Villians of the Outer Rim by Claes Sorensson who was also inspired by Heroes of the Arturi Cluster.
Some of the Pirate flavor such as the Pirates Code, the PB-950 Patrol Boat, and some mission themes were inspired by the old West End Games Pirates and Privateers RPG guide.
The costs and upgrade charts originally based off of the excellent X2PO guide to points costs with my own customizations. Version 2.0 points worked better for a “Credit” based rewards system.
Table of Contents
- Pirates Code
- Custom Rules
- Optional Ships from the EU
- Optional Custom Upgrades
- Starting Resources
- Pilots and Careers
- Credits
- Experience / XP
- Factions
- Threat Level and Determining Enemy Forces
- The Campaign
- Intro Mission
- Mining Guild Arc
- Acts of Piracy Arc
- Illicit Activity Arc
- Rivals Arc
- Lost Loot Arc
- Bonus Missions
- Shadowport Search
- New Rides
- Optional Campaign Wrap Up – Pirate Hunter
- Repairing the Patrol Boat
- Ship, Modification, and Ability Cost Tables
You are trying to setup shop as pirates in the Arturi Cluster. You have gathered a group of eager but inexperienced pilots and some ships from a local scrapyard. Time to start making some credits.
This campaign can be played solo or with an individual flying each ship or a group of ships. It can accommodate up to 6 players.
Authors Note: This campaign is designed to be somewhat challenging. You are likely to lose pilots and ships early on when the equipment is poor and the skills low.
Pirate’s Code
- Every crew member shall have a vote when a Company decision needs to be made.
- An equal share of all treasure to each combatant of a raid.
- One half share of all treasure will be allotted to the Company for supplies, base maintenance, ground crew.
- One half share of all treasure will be used for maintaining a transport and boarding vessel along with a boarding party.
- No gambling or illicit substances while on duty. (Off duty is your business)
- Vacuum suits and weapons are to be maintained and serviceable at all times.
- Desertion of your comrades during a raid while still in an undamaged ship shall be punishable by fine or demotion at the vote of fellow raiders.
- No retirement or disbanding until the Company has shared out a minimum amount of credits. (amount to be determined by a vote of the crew)
- No fighting during raids or on base. Personal disputes are to be settled by a duel at an agreed upon time at a neutral location.
Custom Rules
Ion Weapons and Ionization
Ion weapons are a pirates best friend. There is a lot more money to be made in capturing ships and seizing their cargo than blowing them up. Also the more destructive you are, the more likely opponents will fight to the death.
Disabling Ships with Ion Cannons
In PLotAC, ships can be permanently disabled with Ion weapons if the final point of damage is done with an Ion weapon OR if the ship is Ionized and has MORE Ion tokens than it has remaining Hull points.
For example a Large base ship with 1 Hull and 2 Ion Tokens is not permanently disabled as it needs 3 Ion Tokens to be ionized. A small base ship with 1 Hull and 1 Ion token is not permanently disabled as 1 Ion token is not MORE than 1 Hull.
Ion weapons only start applying Ion Tokens when all shields are down on the target. As long as the target has shields, for each ion token they would receive, remove one shield instead.
This can be read as: If a ship receives Ion tokens from an attack or device explosion, for each ion token, if there is an active shield, the ship must lose 1 shield to remove the ion token. When there are no shields, ion tokens are applied as normal.
A ship can become Ionized with shields up from other affects, such as Ion Clouds or Feedback Array. If a ship becomes Ionized (1 Ion Token for small base, 2 for medium, 3 for large), it loses all remaining shields at the start of the next turn.
Ion disabled ships can be captured and added to your hangar if you completed the mission successfully under the following conditions:
- The Mission is in Friendly territory
- The Mission is in Neutral territory, there are no enemy ships remaining on the board, and you have completed the primary objective
You cannot capture ships in hostile territory. The territory of the mission may change depending on the objectives. The territory check happens after the mission is over.
If a player ship is permanently ionized, it can be recovered intact under the same conditions as capturing an enemy ship.
Ionization and Emplacements
Under normal HotAC rules, emplacements cannot receive Ion Tokens. However in PLotAC there are custom rules regarding emplacements and ionization.
- An emplacement requires 2 Ion Tokens to be ionized.
- Emplacements clear all Ion Tokens at the beginning of the turn.
- Turrets that are Ionized may not attack or rotate.
- Shield Generators that are Ionized do not provide their defense die bonus.
- Command Center, Wing Command, Jamming Array, Sensor Array emplacements do not provide any bonuses or perform any actions when ionized.
- Fuel Tanks are volatile and for each Ion Token they receive roll an attack die. On a crit, the Fuel in the Fuel Tank combusts from the Ionization and the Fuel Tank is destroyed. Follow normal Fuel Tank destruction rules.
- Cargo Containers take damage from Ion weapons as normal and do not receive Ion Tokens
Ship Limitations
The pirates may only bring 1 Large base ship on each mission. This is in addition to the Patrol Boat on missions where it accompanies you.
In addition to the ships that they are flying, the player pilots may have 1 ship per pilot stored in the base hangar. If you are to exceed that number in some way, either through purchase or capturing a prize, you must choose to sell some number of ships so that you don’t exceed 1 extra per pilot.
Generic crew members may be hired with credits like any other upgrade and stay as a permanent upgrade until the ship is shot down. Crew may be transferred to another ship at no cost.
Scum Crew may be hired for a single mission with credits. After the mission is over, you lose that upgrade but it can be repurchased. If a Scum Crew is equipped and your ship is disabled in hostile territory or destroyed in any territory, that Crew is lost and is removed from the upgrade table. The same is true for Named Astromech upgrades.
The Organizer and Cyborg careers may also hire Scum Crew upgrades permanently using XP. Cyborg is limited to Droid Scum Crew (see upgrade cost chart for reference). The same rules apply for removing them from the upgrade table no matter how they are hired.
If you wish to move upgrades other than Crew or Astromech from one ship to another, you must pay half of the upgrade cost rounded up.
Campaign Ships from the EU
Pirates and civilian merchants rarely have access to top of the line fighters. Making do with older models and ships cobbled together from whatever parts are lying around. Local system patrols also have ships used for fighting off pirates and capturing smugglers.
All of these ships can be fairly easily proxied and all share dials with an existing ship.
The TYE-Wing is a combination of a TIE Fighter cockpit and sensor package and Y-Wing weapons and engines. The other thing it combines is their weaknesses. Slow as a Y-Wing with the low survivability of the TIE. The only good thing about the TYE-Wing is that it is cheap. While usually good enough to deal with most civilian ships, it falls short when facing front line fighters.
The TYE-Wing uses the same maneuver dial as a Y-Wing. You can find a 3D model suitable for casual X-Wing play on Thingiverse. Alternatively it can be kit bashed from TIE Fighter and Y-Wing parts.

The Y-TIE combines the engines and solar panels of the TIE with the fuselage and cockpit of the Y-Wing. The missile tubes and bomb bay have been removed to make space for the TIE engines and additional wiring. This combo leaves it underpowered and one of the slowest fighters around.
It retains a little of the Y-Wings ruggedness and can still be deadly with the added firepower of a turret. Y-TIEs work best in packs and are easy pickings when caught out alone.
The Y-TIE uses the same dial as the T4-a Lambda Shuttle.

GAT-12h Skipray Blastboat
A favorite of local patrols and pirates alike, the Skipray Blastboat is well suited for disabling enemy ships with its primary Ion cannons. Strong shields and a laser turret help it deal with more maneuverable fighters. It can also be armed with either missiles or torpedoes as the mission profile demands.
The Skipray Blastboat uses the same dial as the Scurrg H-6 Bomber.

PB-950 Patrol Boat
Due to its age, it is difficult to get stock replacement parts for the PB-950. However smugglers, local patrols and pirates will keep them going as long as possible due to their reliability and ruggedness. Primary ion cannons are useful for disabling opponents while a turret is used to defend against smaller craft.
The Patrol Boat uses the same dial as the YT-49 Decimator.

Optional Custom Upgrades
Sometimes you have to wire in systems to things they weren’t meant to or just slap some metal plates to the outside of a ship were they don’t belong to add some survivability. On that note there are a handful of new upgrades available in the PLotAC campaign. Mostly meant as inexpensive junkyard and jury-rigged upgrades.
You can find their cost in the upgrades cost table section.
Bolt on Ion Cannon
The ship doesn’t really have the power relays setup for this and it isn’t exactly connected to the ships targeting system but you have yourself an Ion Cannon. Note: It cannot be used for range 0 attacks.

Makeshift Hull Plates
It might stop one more laser bolt but its gonna make you an easier target.

Scavenged Shield Generator
You may get some feedback when you take a hit, but the shielding may just save your life. Note: Can only be added to an unshielded ship.

Homemade Signal Jammer
The battery burns out after a single use and the signal is not directed. Extremely useful for tight spots.

Improvised Bomb Rack
There is no telling where the bomb will end up after you drop it, but you have successfully turned your ship into a bomber.

Podracer’s Handicap
You learned how to set this up from some Podracing mechanics with questionable morals. Only enough juice for one burn, but sometimes that’s all you need.

Rocket Assisted Getaway
When you need to leave in a hurry, rockets are the way to go. Note: This is a single use upgrade. After using it in a mission, discard it. If you wish to use it again you must purchase it again.

Starting Resources
- Company Credits: $5k
- 3-6 Pilots with 0 XP and 0 Credits each. Initiative 1
- 1 TYE Wings per pilot with an upgrade relative to their career (Modified TIE/ln for Miner)
- 1 PB-950 Patrol Boat needing major repairs (will come on some missions)
If you don’t want to use the custom ships, start the Campaign with the New Rides mission to have the player steal ships from the Local Patrol. Alternatively they may start in Z-95 Headhunters with no upgrades. To Proxy the TYE Wing, you can use a Y-Wing as they share a dial and only allow for 3 Hull hits.
Number of Players | Reccommended # of pilots per player | Optional # of pilots per player |
1 | 3 | 4, 5, or 6 |
2 | 2 | 3 |
3 | 1 | 2 |
4 | 1 | – |
5 | 1 | – |
6 | 1 | – |
Pilot Careers
Each Pirate pilot can follow 1 of 8 Career Paths starting at rank 1. At each Rank the pilot gets access to upgrades and abilities based on their Career. If your pilot dies, feel free to try a different career path with the next one.
You can find which pilot ability is available to which Career path in the Pilot Ability tables.
The Organizer is all about coordinating the efforts of the team, moving resources where they are needed and bringing in skilled crew. You may only have 1 Organizer on your team. They are the only pilot who may hire and use all non-generic crew with XP instead of Credits, Scum Crew hires this way are treated as permanent upgrades (see Crew Upgrade cost table for Crew notes). You may only permanently hire Scum crew for the slots obtained by ranking up, not for the default crew slots on ships. You can still temp hire Scum crew for default ship crew slots using credits.
A pilot on the Organizer path gets a white Coordinate action at rank 3, a red linked Coordinate at rank 4, and a white linked Coordinate at rank 7. It is possible to link these Coordinate Actions to any Action available for the ship type.
At rank 5, and 7 the Organizer gains an extra Crew Slot. You may bring along extra crew equal to the number of crew slots you have unlocked on any ship you fly that already had an existing crew slot.
At ranks 3 and 8 the Organizer gains access to Organizer Pilot Abilities.
- Gain the Red Coordinate Action. Initiative 1. TYE-Wing with Makeshift Hull Plates
- Add a Modification slot, Increase Initiative to 2
- Upgrade the Red Coordinate to a White Coordinate Action and add 1 Organizer Pilot Ability slot. Increase Initiative to 3
- Add a Modification slot, Gain the linked Red Coordinate Action. Increase Initiative to 4
- Gain the Cutthroat Talent, Add a Scum Crew hire slot. Increase Initiative to 5
- Add a Modification or Sensor slot. Increase Initiative to 6
- Gain the linked White Coordinate Action, Add a Scum Crew hire slot.
- Add one Elite Talent or 1 Organizer Pilot Ability slot, add 1 Illicit slot
The Professional is an ace pilot of remarkable skill. Most are former bounty hunters, mercenary or military. Sometimes all three. They know just where to put their shots and where to position their ship for the most deadly attacks. The Professional has access to the most Elite Talent slots.
The Professional gets access to the Professional Pilot Abilities and to Elite Talents. At rank 2 you you may spend 2xp to gain the Expert Handling Talent. You are able to choose one Professional Pilot Ability or Elite Talent at ranks 3 and 7. At rank 5 you get one of each.
- Initiative 1. TYE-Wing with Bolt On Ion Cannon
- Add a Modification slot, Expert Handling Talent slot, Increase Initiative to 2
- Add an Elite Talent or Professional Pilot Ability. Increase Initiative to 3
- Add a Modification slot. Increase Initiative to 4
- Gain the Cutthroat Talent, Add and Elite Talent and a Professional Pilot Ability slot. Increase Initiative to 5.
- Add a Modification or Sensor slot. Increase Initiative to 6
- Add an Elite Talent or Professional Pilot Ability slot
- Add an Illicit or Tech slot
The Gambler is ready to try their luck and uses some unorthodox maneuvers. They are ready to take risks and pull stunts.
The Gambler gets access to the Gambler Pilot Abilities and to Elite Talents. You are able to choose one Gambler Pilot Ability or Elite Talent at slots 3 and 6. At rank 5 you get an additional Gambler Pilot Ability.
- Initiative 1. TYE-Wing with Scavenged Shield Generator
- Add a Modification slot, Increase Initiative to 2
- Add an Elite Talent or Gambler Pilot Ability. Increase Initiative to 3
- Add a Modification slot. Increase Initiative to 4
- Gain the Cutthroat Talent, Add a Gambler Pilot Ability slot. Increase Initiative to 5.
- Add an Elite Talent or Gambler Pilot Ability slot. Increase Initiative to 6
- Add a Modification slot
- Add an Illicit or Sensor slot
The Slicer utilizes technology to cause battlefield disruption. If you need to jam someone, the Slicer is your guy.
A Slicer gets a Red Jam action at rank 3, a Linked Red Jam at rank 4, and Replace the Red Jam with a White Jam at rank 5, and replace the Red Linked Jam with a White Linked Jam at rank 8. It is possible to link these Jam Actions to any Action available for the ship type.
The Slicer gets access to Slicer Pilot Abilities at rank 3 and 8 with the option of Pilot Ability or Elite Talent at rank 6. They also get access to the powerful Tech slot at rank 4.
There are a couple of missions with special actions specific for the Slicer career path.
- Initiative 1. TYE-Wing with Homemade Signal Jammer
- Add a Modification slot, Increase Initiative to 2
- Add Slicer Pilot Ability slot. Gain Red Jam Action. Increase Initiative to 3
- Add Tech slot and Modification slot. Gain Linked Red Jam Action.
- Gain the Cutthroat Talent. Replace Red Jam Action with White Jam Action. Increase Initiative to 4.
- Add a Modification or Sensor slot and add a Elite Talent slot. Increase Initiative to 5
- Add an Illicit slot and a Slicer Pilot Ability. Increase Initiative to 6
- Replace the Linked Red Jam Action with a Linked White Jam Action
The Gearhead has modified their ship beyond belief. There is no such thing as too many upgrades. If you want a hot ride, the Gearhead is your go to.
By rank 8, the Gearhead has more extra Mod slots than any other Career path. At ranks 4 and 6 they gain access to Gearhead Pilot Abilities. At rank 4 they get an Red Boost Action for any ship with no boost and a White Boost Action on any ship with a Red Boost.
- Initiative 1. TYE-Wing with Podracer’s Handicap
- Add a Modification slot, Increase Initiative to 2
- Add a Modification slot, Increase Initiative to 3
- Add a Gearhead Pilot Ability slot. Gain the Red Boost Action for any ship with no Boost and upgrade any Red Boost actions to White.
- Gain the Cutthroat Talent, Add a Modification slot. Increase Initiative to 4.
- Add an Illicit slot and a Gearhead Pilot Ability slot. Increase Initiative to 5.
- Add a Tech or Sensor slot. Increase Initiative to 6
- Add an Illicit and Modification slot.
Demolitions loves everything bombs, missiles and torpedoes. You need to make something go boom, give them a call.
Demolitions gets a Red Linked Lock action at rank 4, and a White Linked Lock action at rank 7. It is possible to link these Lock Actions to any Action available for the ship type.
At rank 5 they get a Weapon Hardpoint Slot which allows them to equip an additional Missile, Torpedo, or Cannon slot to any ship they fly.
At ranks 3, 6, and 8 they gain access to Demolitions pilot abilities.
- Initiative 1. TYE-Wing with Improvised Bomb Rack
- Add a Modification slot, Increase Initiative to 2
- Add a Demolitions Pilot Ability slot. Increase Initiative to 3
- Add a Modification slot. Gain the Linked Red Lock Action.
- Gain the Cutthroat Talent. Add a Hardpoint slot. Increase Initiative to 4.
- Add a Modification or Sensor slot. Add a Demolitions Pilot Ability slot. Increase Initiative to 5.
- Red Linked Lock Action is upgraded to a White Linked Lock Action. Increase Initiative to 6.
- Add an Illicit and Demolitions Pilot Ability Slot.
The Cyborg has had some unfortunate life experiences leaving them part machine. As a result they often find themselves thinking like one, cold and calculating. The upside is they are really good with droids. The Cyborg is the only pilot who may fly the Aggressor Assault Fighter. They are also the only one who can take the IG-88 series Pilot Abilities (note they do not get these abilities for free, just the option to get them by spending XP). Additionally, the Cyborg may hire Scum Crew that are Droids as permanent upgrades using XP.
If the pilot chooses the cyborg path, they replace their Focus action with a Calculate action.
The Cyborg gets the option of a droid fighter wingman (represented by a Separatist Drone Vulture Droid) starting at rank 3. The first droid fighter is free but you must pay credits to replace or repair it until completing the Lost Loot mission series if it gets destroyed. For repair cost, make an ejection role. Base repair cost is $2k credits. For each Crit rolled, add $10k to the cost, for each Hit rolled add $5k, for each Focus add $2k, add nothing for blanks. It must deploy within range 1 of the Cyborg when deploying. It adds 15 points to your Total Threat Points when calculating Threat Level.
The Droid fighter starts in formation and performs the same maneuver as the Cyborg (even if the maneuver is not on the droid’s dial). When not in formation, the Droid Wingman uses the Vulture Droid AI pilot card under the Attack AI unless given instructions from the Cyborg pilot through the Control Droid action. At rank 3 the Cyborg gains the ability to perform Control Droid as a Red Action. At Rank 4, this becomes a White Action. At rank 6 gain the Linked Red Control Droid Action and your Droid now has the same IG-88 Pilot Abilities as you. At rank 8 gain the Linked White Control Droid Action.
A Red Droid Control Action may only be performed when the Droid wingman is at range 0-2. A White Droid Control Action can be treated as a Red Action to extend the range to range 3. When you perform the Control Droid Action you set the Initiative of the Droid equal to the Cyborg’s Initiative for Engagement phase and may do one of the following:
- Set the AI of the Droid to Strike or Escort and designate a target.
- Set the AI of the Droid to Flee AI causing it to attempt to leave the battlefield and return to the pirate base. This happens automatically if the Cyborg flees the battlefield or if the Cyborg is shot down.
- Set the AI of the Droid to Attack AI
- Coordinate the Droid
- Set the Droid to rejoin formation (can only be chosen if Droid is within range 1).
- Replace the Focus action with the Calculate Action. Initiative 1. TYE-Wing with Contraband Cybernetics
- Add a Modification slot, Increase Initiative to 2
- Gain a Droid Fighter wingman. Gain the Red Control Droid Action. Increase Initiative to 3.
- Gain a Linked Red Calculate Action. Red Control Droid Action upgrades to White. Add the IG-88A Pilot Ability slot.
- Gain the Cutthroat Talent. Add the IG-88B Pilot Ability slot. Droid Wingman gains a Modification slot. Increase Initiative to 4.
- Add Modification slot and Elite Talent slot. Gain Linked Red Control Droid Action. Droid gains all IG-88 Pilot abilities of Cyborg pilot and all future ones.
- Add the IG-88C Pilot Ability slot. Gain the Linked White Calculate Action. Droid Wingman gains a Missile slot. Increase Initiative to 5.
- Add the IG-88D Pilot Ability slot and add a Tech slot. Increase Initiative to 6.
The Miner was fired from the Mining Guild for “Inappropriate use of Guild Equipment.” It seems the Guild did not appreciate the stunt flying and tractor beam tricks being done around the mining sites. The pirates however, do. Before they were let go, the Miner developed a friendship with the Guild’s TIE and QuadJumper supplier.
The Miner has learned all sorts of tricks to pull with the tractor beam as well as a few ways to navigate around debris and asteroids. They can choose to start with the Modified TIE/ln (Mining Guild TIE) and can buy the QuadJumper at a $5k discount. At rank 4 they can choose to install a Tractor Beam Cannon upgrade on any of their ships (must still pay for it).
Miner Talents: Backwards Tailslide, Daredevil, Debris Gambit, Elusive, Ensnare, Interloper Turn, Marg Sabl Closure, Gravitic Deflection, Tieferon Belly Run, Trick Shot (Ignore all ship type and other restrictions on these talents when applying to Miner)
- You may fly a Modified TIE/ln (Mining Guild TIE) instead of a TYE-Wing for free. Initiative 1
- Add a Modification slot, Increase Initiative to 2
- Gain a Miner Talent slot or Miner Pilot Ability slot, Gain the At Home in the Asteroids ability: “While you move, you ignore asteroids”, Increase Initiative to 3.
- Gain a Modification slot and a Tractor Beam Cannon slot. Increase Initiative to 4.
- Gain the Cutthroat Talent. Gain a Miner Pilot Talent slot or Miner Pilot Ability slot. Increase Initiative to 5.
- Add Modification slot or Sensor slot. Increase Initiative to 6.
- Gain a Miner Talent slot or Miner Pilot Ability slot
- Gain a Miner Talent slot or Miner Pilot Ability slot. Gain an Illicit slot.
Career Progression Chart
Rank 1 | Rank 2 | Rank 3 | Rank 4 | Rank 5 | Rank 6 | Rank 7 | Rank 8 | Path Name |
Free | 4 XP | 9 XP | 16 XP | 25 XP | 36 XP | 49 XP | 64 XP | |
I-1 (RCo) | I-2 (Mod) | I-3 (PA)(WCo) | I-4 (Mod) (-> RCor) | I-5 (Cut)(Cr) | I-6 (Mod)/(Sen) | (-> WCor) (Cr) | (Ilct)/(PA) | Organizer |
I-1 | I-2 (Mod) | I-3 (T)/(PA) | I-4 (Mod) | I-5 (Cut) (T)(PA) | I-6 (Mod)/(Sen) | (T)/(PA) | (Ilct)/(Tech) | Professional |
I-1 | I-2 (Mod) | I-3 (T)/(PA) | I-4 (Mod) | I-5 (Cut) (PA) | I-6 (T)/(PA) | (Mod) | (Ilct)/(Sen) | Gambler |
I-1 | I-2 (Mod) | I-3 (PA)(RJam) | (Tech)(Mod) (-> RJam) | I-4 (Cut)(WJam) | I-5 (Mod)/(Sen) (T) | I-6 (Ilct)(PA) | (-> WJam) | Slicer |
I-1 | I-2 (Mod) | I-3 (Mod) | (PA)(RBoost/R->WBoost) | I-4 (Cut)(Mod) | I-5 (Ilct)(PA) | I-6 (Tech)/(Sen) | (Ilct)(Mod) | Gearhead |
I-1 | I-2 (Mod) | I-3 (PA) | (Mod) (-> RLk) | I-4 (Cut) (Hrdpt) | I-5 (Mod)/(Sen) (PA) | I-6 (-> WLk) | (Ilct)(PA) | Demolitionist |
I-1 (Foc becomes Calc) | I-2 (Mod) | I-3 (RConDroid) | (IG-88A PA) (-> RCalc) (RConDroid becomes WConDroid) | I-4 (Cut)(IG-88B PA) | (Mod)(T) (-> RConDroid) (Droid gets IG-88 PAs) | I-5 (IG-88C PA)(-> WCalc) | I-6 (IG-88D PA)(Tech)(-> WConDroid) | Cyborg |
I-1 | I-2 (Mod) | I-3 (MT)/(PA) (At Home in the Asteroids) | I-4 (Mod)(TracBeam) | I-5 (Cut)(MT)/(PA) | I-6 (Mod)/(Sen) | (MT)/PA) | (MT)/(PA)(Ilct) | Miner |
Piracy, and crime in general, is all about credits. As such, this is the primary resource and one of the main rewards from each mission. Each pilot gets an equal share of the credits earned from each mission. One share is also set aside for running the operation. If the credits do not divide equally, the extra credits go to the operation share.
The operation deducts half to pay your support crew (rounded up) and the other half goes into the operation bank. The players may use this bank to pay for Patrol Boat upgrades.
Some missions you will get credits for completing. Some you will get credits for each successful objective completed. And some missions will create an income stream of credits that you get after every mission you complete.
Credits can be used to buy new ships and buy upgrades for your existing ships (think U&M points from Flight Group Alpha), and repair your PB-950 Patrol Boat. Potential expansion ideas are using credits for base crew, contacts and hiring mercenaries / bounty hunters to help you on missions.
Idea for GMs. Give players poker chips or plastic gold coins to represent credits of different denominations as an added pirate treasure prop. Such as:
Selling Your Ship
Sometimes you want to upgrade ships but in order to afford a new one, you need to sell the one you have or one you captures. But the shipyard owners aren’t going to want to buy a pirate ship at full price. Also the market demand is always changing.
When you wish to sell your ship, roll a D6. On a 1 or 2, you are offered 33% (1/3) of the total value (rounded up), on a 3-5 you are offered 50% (1/2) of the total value (rounded up), and on a 6 you are offered 75% (3/4) of the original value plus 50% (1/2) of all the upgrades (rounded up).
For example, you captured a Mining Guild TIE and wish to sell it. If you roll a 1-2 you will be offered $22k/3 = $8k (rounded up), on a 3-5 you will be offered $22k/2 = $11k, and on a 6 you will be offered $22k * 3/4 = $17k (rounded up).
You can choose to accept or reject the offer and try again after the next mission.
Experience / XP
All of the XP earned from a single mission is pooled and dealt out to the pilots that went on that mission. If a pilot chooses to bank some of the XP and then is killed, that XP is lost. Keeping your experienced pilots alive should be top priority.
If earned XP does not divide evenly, the extra XP can be awarded to either the pilot who earned the most XP for the mission or the pilot with the lowest level / least XP to catch them up. (Especially in the case of a pilot being killed and needing to level up a new one)
XP can be spent on leveling up your Pilot, Elite Talents, Scum Pilot Abilities, and Scum Crew upgrades for the Organizer Career path (see Pilot section for more info).
Ejection Roles
Whenever a ship is destroyed or disabled, the pilot makes an ejection roll using Red Attack Dice. The number of dice rolled is determined by the Territory of the mission. Some missions change Territory type depending on your success or failure.
For Friendly Territory, roll 1 Die. For Neutral Territory roll 2 Dice. For Hostile Territory roll 3 Dice.
If your ship is equipped with the Deadman’s Switch Illicit upgrade and is destroyed, add 1 Die to your Ejection roll. Do not add a Die if the ship was disabled by ionization instead.
Consult the following table for the consequences:
Eject Results | Consequences |
Crit, Crit, Crit | Pilot Killed – start a new pilot |
Crit, Crit | Permanent Injury – Lose most expensive Pilot Ability or Elite Talent upgrade. Maximum Initiative is decreased by 1. |
Crit | Nerve Damage – Play next mission at 1 Rank lower than you have to a min of 1 |
Hit | Bacta Treatment Required – Lose 1d6 worth of Credits (this can put you in Negative Credits owing the company) |
Eye | Head Injury – Earn Half XP this mission, rounded down (for Eye, Eye, earn 0 XP for this mission) |
Blank | Ejected Safely |
Local Patrols
Most systems have regular patrols to look for suspicious activity and to scout for ships in distress. The equipment allotted to these patrols is usually whatever the local government can find for sale. They are not so desperate as to use junkyard ships as they can acquire their gear through legitimate purchase. If feeling, overwhelmed they will call for Imperial assistance.
The good news is disabling their opponents is the Local Patrols first priority and they will prioritize using Ion based weapons, unless the target has destroyed one of their ships. They also have a high degree of self preservation and will flee if brought too low.
On the mission forces tables, Local Patrols tend to use the following squadron names (Able, Bravo, Charlie, Echo, Foxtrot).
The Local Patrol uses Galactic Republic Clone Z-95s and Y-Wings (BTL-B).
Expected Forces:
- Z-95 Headhunters w/Ion Missiles
- Y-Wings w/Ion Cannon upgrade
- GAT-12h Skipray Blastboats
- PB-950 Patrol Boats
The Empire
The Empire maintains a local force for dealing with Rebels, pirates, and escorting Imperial shipping. Regular patrols are scouting the area and will respond to cries for help. If you become a big enough threat, the Empire will beef up its patrols and may even form a Pirate Hunter squad. There are also rumors of a secret TIE testing facility nearby. When it comes to pirates, the Empire has a shoot first, ask questions later policy.
On the mission forces tables, Imperial Squadrons tend to use Greek letters for squadron names (Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta, Sigma).
Expected Forces
- TIE/ln Fighters
- TIE/in Interceptors
- TIE/sa Bombers
- Lamda T-4A Shuttles
- VT-49 Decimators
- Experimental/Advanced TIE variants
- Gozanti-Class Cruisers
- Raider-Class Corvettes
Merchants, Smugglers, and Civilians
Freighters are pirates primary prey. The goal is to swoop in and quickly disable them so we can take enough cargo to be profitable but not ruin their business. Many freighter captains run armed and some have even hired escorts as a result of the losses from piracy. Fortunately for you, they can rarely get top of the line fighters and must use whatever is available.
On the mission forces tables, Civilian craft tend to use simple name and number designators for squadron names (Freighter 1, Escort 1, Smuggler 1, etc)
Expected Forces
- TYE Wings
- Y-TIEs
- Z-95 Headhunters
- Y-Wings
- Various Freighters
Mining Guild
The asteroid belt you call home contains an active Mining Guild asteroid mining operation. Your base is actually one of their old mining operation stations in a mined out section of the belt. The Guild’s pilots are at home among the asteroids and the Guild itself has enough financial backing to be dangerous. They are a legitimate operation and can call on Local System and Imperial patrols for aid, though they will be slower to respond as they have to navigate the asteroid field to arrive. This is why the operation maintains its own security force.
On the mission forces tables, the Mining Guild tend to use simple name and number designators for squadron names (Sentry 1, Tugboat 1, Shuttle 1, etc)
Expected Forces
- Modified TIE/ln Fighters
- Z-95 Headhunters
- Y-Wings
- Quadrijet Transfer Spacetugs (Quadjumpers)
- GAT-12h Skipray Blastboats
- Lambda Shuttles
- Freighters
- Mandalorian Mercenary forces (Fangs, Firesprays, Gauntlets)
Hutt Cartel
You aren’t the only ones who decided this area was a good one for piracy. Guula the Hutt has set up an operation somewhere in the system and does not want to share territory. The fact you were here first does not matter to them.
On the mission forces tables, the Hutt Cartel forces tend to use classic weapons as squadron names (Axe, Sabre, Glaive, Pike, Dagger, Mace)
Expected Forces
- Z-95 Headhunters
- TYE Wings
- Y-TIEs
- M3-A Scyk Interceptors
- Kihraxz Fighters
- M12-L Kimogilas
- Freighters of all kinds
- Bounty Hunters
- Guula’s Elite Guards in Star Vipers
- Rumors of Guula’s flagship CR90 Corvette
The Rebels are a blessing and a curse. Their presence keeps the Empire busy, but also draws in more Imperial forces. Sometimes they are your direct competition as they also prey on the Empire’s shipping for supplies and money.
On the mission forces tables, Rebels tend to use colors as squadron names (Red, Blue, Green, Gold, Gray, Black)
Expected Forces
- Z-95 Headhunters
- Y-Wings
- X-Wings
- A-Wings
- B-Wings
- Various Freighters
Threat Level and Determining Enemy Forces
As you become more skilled and more successful as pirates, your reputation will proceed you and cause the factions in the area to increase their forces in response. This value will determine the upgrades and abilities of the enemy ships on each mission.
Threat level is a combination of the threat level of the ships you are flying (including upgrades) plus the threat level of the pilot skills you have.
How to Calculate Your Threat Level
To get the Threat Level of an individual Pilot add these things together
- XP Cost of all your Pilot Upgrades
- Initiative of pilot x 2
- Base Threat Level of your Ship (See Ship Dealer tables below)
- Cost of all Upgrades equipped to your ship
Average the Threat Levels of the pilots your are bringing on the mission and divide by the number 25, rounding up. This is your Threat level for the mission.
The Campaign
Below is an outline of the different mission arcs. The format is: Mission Name (closest HotAC or FGA mission for setup – which Campaign that mission is from). Most of the mission setups are borrowed from the original campaigns with some rule variations, often different victory conditions and enemy composition variation.
- Introductory Mission – Primary Opponent: Local System Patrol and Empire
- Vape Bait (Local Trouble – HotAC)
- Mining Guild – Primary Opponent: Mining Guild
- Protection Racket (Miners Strike – HotAC)
- Rude Neighbors (Miners Strike – HotAC)
- Out Bid (Defend Outpost D-34 – FGA)
- Mine Your Manners (Capture the Refueling Station – HotAC)
- Acts of Piracy – Primary Opponent: All Kinds
- Luxury Liners (Capture the Officer – HotAC)
- Unexpected Arrivals (Patrol Jump Point D-34 – FGA)
- Blind Spot (Disable Sensor Net – HotAC)
- Convoy Intercept (Convoy Attack – FGA)
- Wallowing Whale (Rebel Arms Deal – FGA)
- The Sting (Bait – HotAC)
- Illicit Activity – Primary Opponent: Empire and Local Patrols
- Spice Must Flow (Rescue Rebel Operative – HotAC)
- Read the Mail (Secure the Holonet – HotAC)
- Prototype Data (Pride of the Empire – HotAC)
- Rivals – Primary Opponent: Hutt Cartel
- Send a Message (Escorting the Decimator – FGA)
- Retaliation (Local Trouble – HotAC)
- Reclaim (Outpost D-34 has Fallen – FGA)
- Root Out (Destroy Pirate Outpost – FGA)
- Root Out Part 2 (Capture Harkov – FGA)
- Salt to a Slug (Care Package – HotAC)
- Lost Loot – Primary Opponent: Rebels
- Bounty Full Harvest (Capture the Officer – HotAC)
- Treasure Map (Needle in a Haystack – HotAC)
- Blaze a Trail (Tread Softly – HotAC)
- X Marks the Cache (Attack the Nharwaak – FGA)
- Campaign Wrap Up – Primary Opponent: Empire
- Pirate Hunter (RPG Victory Star Destroyer Mission)
Intro Mission – Vape Bait
Rebel activity has caused a great loss to Imperial fighter squadrons in this area. As such their convoys are running with a light escort and many of their pilots are inexperienced. Lure away the escort fighters from one of the convoys while our Patrol Boat impersonates a Local Patrol to hijack some cargo off the freighters. The longer you can keep them occupied, the more loot we can get. But be careful, the longer you wait the more likely a passing patrol will come by to reinforce them. Hopefully we can earn enough to get you out of those flying deathtraps.

Player Setup in Area A, 6 Asteroids placed randomly in Zone B
Objective: Do at least 1 damage per pilot (this is total damage, can all be done by 1 ship), then escape into the asteroid field by fleeing off board edge A after turn 4. Alternatively, destroy all enemy ships by turn 12.
Territory: Neutral
Enemy forces: TIE/ln fighters, TIE Interceptor
Rewards: 80k Credits + 10k Credits for every 2 turns you end with a ship on the board that escapes after turn 4 up to turn 10 (Escape turn 5 = 80k, turn 7 = 90k, turn 9 = 100k, turn 11 = 110k). Lose 10k for every point of damage less than the target number. The reward is halved if you flee before turn 5 or if all pirate ships are destroyed.
Squad | Arrival | Vector | AI | 3p | 4p | 5p | 6p |
Alpha | Setup | 3 | Attack | 1x TIE/ln Fighter | + TIE/ln Fighter | ||
Beta | Turn 3 | 4 | Attack | 1x TIE/ln Fighter | + TIE/ln Fighter | ||
Gamma | Turn 6 | 1d6 | Attack | 1x TIE/in Interceptor | 1x TIE/in Interceptor | ||
Delta | Turn 8 | 1d6 | Attack | 2x TIE/ln Fighter | +TIE/ln Fighter | + TIE/ln Fighter | |
Theta | Turn 9 | 1d6 | Attack | 1x TIE/in Interceptor | 1x TIE/in Interceptor |
We had to scramble as the patrols came back and were lucky to get away with anything. This little trick is not likely to work again.
Gain $40k credits (divide amongst pilots and operations). Gain all earned XP.
Add Mission Cards for Mining Guild Mission 1, Acts of Piracy Mission 1, and Illicit Activity Mission 1 to the Mission Card deck.
Well done. You kept the patrols busy long enough for us to grab a heap of cargo off the freighters. Now maybe we can get you into something better than those deathtraps you’re currently flying.
Gain all earned credits and XP.
Add Mission Cards for Mining Guild Mission 1, Acts of Piracy Mission 1, and Illicit Activity Mission 1 to the Mission Card deck.
Mining Guild Mission 1 – Protection Racket
We have encouraged a local asteroid mining company to hire us for protection. They have refused. Lets show them why it would be a good idea by damaging one of their installations. Get in and get out before the Local System Patrols can respond with reinforcements. If we can demonstrate our pilots skill vs theirs it might help convince them they need protecting.

Player Setup in Area A
Objective: Destroy at least 1 cargo module (G) per your Threat Level then at least 1 pirate must escape off a board edge other than edge C.
Bonus Objective: Destroy at least one Mining Guild Fighter (Modified TIE or Z-95) and lose none of your ships.
Territory: Hostile
Enemy forces: Mining Guild TIE Fighters, Z-95 Headhunters, Turrets, Local Patrol
Rewards: 40k Credits now (+20k if you destroy at least one mining guild ship and lose no pirate ships) and +2k Credits per pilot after each mission going forward even if that mission is a failure.
Squad | Arrival | Vector | AI | 3p | 4p | 5p | 6p |
Cargo 1 | Setup | B | Special | 1x Lambda Shuttle | 1x Lambda Shuttle | ||
Alpha | Setup | 2/3 | Attack | 1x Mining Guild TIE | + Mining Guild TIE | ||
Beta | Setup | 4/5 | Attack | 1x Mining Guild TIE | + Mining Guild TIE | ||
Gamma | Turn 6 | 1d6 | Attack | 2x Z-95 Headhunters | + Z-95 Headhunter | +Z-95 Headhunter | |
Able | Turn 8 | 1d6 | Attack | 1x Skipray Blastboat | + Y-Wing | + Skipray Blastboat | + Y-Wing |
We need to be more convincing than that. Let’s regroup and try again later.
Gain half XP (round up) for this mission.
Shuffle this mission card back into the mission deck.
The Foreman of the local Guild operation has realized that they do in fact need some higher quality protection and we have come to terms.
Gain all earned mission rewards and XP.
Add Mission Cards for Mining Guild Mission 2 to the Mission Deck.
Mining Guild Mission 2 – Rude Neighbors
We were hired for protection. Now it’s time to actually protect. The Mining Guild realized we would be a faster response than the Local Patrols. It seems someone else had the bright idea to try to get protection money from the Guild. Wipe out these fools.

Player Setup Area A
Objective: At least 1 Shuttle and half the cargo modules must survive. Destroy, disable, or make flee all enemy ships.
Bonus Objective: All Cargo Modules and Shuttles must survive.
Territory: Friendly
Enemy Forces: Z-95s, Y-Wing, M3-As, Khiraxz
Rewards: $5k Credits bounty per Threat Level of each enemy ship you destroy or disable. No reward for ships that flee or ships that the Mining Guild ships and turrets take out. $15k Credits for each Shuttle that survives. $20k Credits if all Cargo Modules survive.
Squad | Arrival | Vector | AI | 3p | 4p | 5p | 6p |
Cargo 1 | Setup | B | Special | 2x Lambda Shuttle | + Shield | +Shield | +Shield |
Axe | Setup | 3 | Strike 1 | 2x Khiraxz | + Khiraxz | +Khiraxz | |
Dagger | Setup | 1 | Strike 2 | 2x M3-A Scyk | + M3-A Scyk | + M3-A Scyk | |
Sentry 1 | Setup | 5 | Escort | 1x Mining Guild TIE | + Mining Guild TIE | + Mining Guild TIE | + Mining Guild TIE |
Glaive | Turn 2 | 1 | Strike 3 | 1x Y-Wing | + Y-Wing | + Y-Wing | |
Sabre | Turn 4 | 1d6 | Attack | 2x Z-95 Headhunters | + Z-95 Headhunter | +Z-95 Headhunter |
- Strike 1 AI will target the Shuttles, then Enemy Fighters, then Turrets, then Cargo Modules
- Strike 2 AI will target Enemy Fighters, then Turrets, then Cargo Modules
- Strike 3 AI will target the Cargo Modules, then Enemy fighters, then Turrets
The Turrets and Mining Guild TIEs are friendly to you.
Axe Squadron will be equipped with Proton Rockets. Glaive Squadron will be equipped with Thermal Detonators.
The Shuttles will not move on turn 1 as they are lifting off. Then they will Flee toward board edge C. You may perform the Protect action on the Shuttles. Sentry 1 will also try to Protect the Shuttles as their highest priority action.
The Mining Guild is non too happy with our “Protection” service. Those meddlesome scallywags that attacked need to be taught a lesson.
Gain half XP (round up) for this mission.
Add Mission Cards for Mining Guild Mission 3 and Rivals Mission 1 to the Mission Deck.
The Foreman tried not to show it but he was pleasantly surprised that we showed up and actually protected the site. Now time to find out who those pirates who trespassed in our space were.
Gain all earned mission rewards and XP.
Add Mission Cards for Mining Guild Mission 3 and Rivals Mission 1 to the Mission Deck.
Mining Guild Mission 3 – Out Bid
It seems the Mining Guild got a new Foreman who no longer wants our protection and have hired a group of Mandalorian mercenaries. They have found our base in the asteroid field. Defend it and send them packing.
Note: Once this Mission has been drawn from the Mission Deck, players no longer receive protection money from the completion of Mining Guild Mission 1 after every mission.

Players setup in Zone A. Place 6 Asteroids randomly in Zone B.
Objective: Any one of the station’s emplacements and at least 1 player ship must survive until the end of round 10. Alternatively, all enemy ships destroyed, disabled or in flee mode by round 10.
Bonus Objective: Add 1xp per player pilot for each emplacement that was not destroyed after the primary objective has been fulfilled.
Enemy forces: Z-95s, Fang Fighters, Firespray Patrol Ships, Gauntlet Troop Transport
Territory: Friendly
Rewards: 10k Credits for each small ship, 15k for each medium ship, and 20k for each large ship from the bounties on the heads of the mercenaries you shoot down.
Squad | Arrival | Vector | AI | 3p | 4p | 5p | 6p |
Hunter | Setup | 2 | Strike | 2x Z-95 | + Z-95 | + Z-95 | |
Skull | Turn 2 | 5 | Strike | 2x Fang Fighter | + Fang Fighter | ||
Viper | Turn 5 | 3 | Strike | 1x Firespray | 1x Firespray | ||
Wraith | Turn 8 | 1d6 | Strike | 1x Gauntlet | 1x Gauntlet |
The enemy fighters all have Strike AI targeting the nearest station emplacement.
Loaded For Rancor: The Z-95s in Hunter Squadron are loaded with Concussion Missiles. The Fang fighters in Skull Squadron are loaded with Proton Torpedoes.
Pirate Station: The station has 2 types of emplacements: Shield Generators and Turbolaser Towers. The amount depends on the number of player pilots. The players control the towers. No XP is gained from damage or kills caused by the towers.
Such a shame. This was a good hideout. We lost some supplies and need to find a new base now.
Players and the Company lose half of their banked credits rounded up. Receive half XP for this mission. Receive half credit reward.
Add Mission Cards for Mining Guild Mission 4 and [TBD] to the Mission Deck.
Ha! You get what you pay for. Those mercs never stood a chance. Guess we need to teach the new Foreman why he needs protection.
Receive all earned mission rewards and XP.
Add Mission Card for Mining Guild Mission 4 to the Mission Deck.
Mining Guild Mission 4 – Mine Your Manners
In spite of the failure of the mercenaries to destroy our base, the Mining Guild has stopped paying for protection. We have located the new Guild Foreman and are preparing to give him an early retirement so we can replace him with someone more agreeable. Be wary as the Mandalorian Mercenaries are still under contract with the Guild.

Player setup Zone A with the Patrol Boat. Place 6 asteroids in Zone B Range > 1 apart from each other and board edge. Turbolasers (T) begin facing Zone A.
Objective: Destroy the Shield Generators. Pilots gain +1xp for destroying a Shield Generator emplacement. After the Shield Generators are destroyed, the Patrol Boat must land in a station docking bay (Bay 1 or 2). The Boarding Team must capture the Command Center module to secure the Guild Foreman. Survive until the end of Turn 12 or destroy all enemies. If the primary objective is completed the Territory changes to Neutral at the end of the battle.
Bonus: +2xp for each emplacement that is not damaged or destroyed. +$5k credits for each Fuel Tank that is not damaged or destroyed.
Enemy forces: Mining Guild Ties, QuadJumpers, Fangs Fighters, Firespray Patrol Ship
Territory: Hostile
Rewards: $60k credits now and a recurring payment of $3k credits per pilot, plus $1k credit for the Company operations after each mission following this one.
Squad | Arrival | Vector | AI | 3p | 4p | 5p | 6p |
Sentry 1 | Setup | 3 | Attack | 3x Mining Guild TIE | + Mining Guild TIE | + Mining Guild TIE | |
Skull | Setup | 4 | Attack | 1x Fang Fighter | + Fang Fighter | + Fang Fighter | |
Sentry 2 | Turn 4 | Bay 1 | Attack | 2x Mining Guild TIE | + Mining Guild TIE | + Mining Guild TIE | |
Tug Team 1 | Turn 5 | Bay 2 | Attack | 2x Quadjumper | + Quadjumper | ||
Viper | Turn 8 | 1d6 | Attack | 1x Firespray | |||
Omega | Turn 13 | 1d6 | Attack | 1x Elite Decimator | |||
Alpha | Turn 13 | 1d6 | Attack | 2x Elite TIE/in Interceptors | + Elite TIE/in Interceptor | + Elite TIE/in Interceptor | |
Delta | Turn 14 | 1d6 | Strike | 2x Elite TIE Advanced/X1 | + Elite TIE Advanced/X1 | + Elite TIE Advanced/X1 |
The Station Command Module can give 1 of the Turbolaser modules a Calculate Token each turn before the Turbolasers activate.
Assaulting the Station: Players ships may perform the Protect action on the Patrol Boat. To Unload the Boarding Team, the Patrol Boat must land in one of the station’s Docking Bays after the Shield Generators have been destroyed. Place a Tracking Token on the Docking Bay tile to represent the Boarding Team.
The Patrol Boat may deploy from the Docking Bay that it landed in on any of the following rounds.
Advancing the Boarding Team: At the end of each turn, roll 3 attack dice. If the number of hits rolled is equal to or greater than the number of emplacements on that station tile, players may move the commandos to an adjacent station tile. Otherwise, they may destroy one emplacement on that tile or simply wait until the next round. Players may choose if Fuel Tanks destroyed this way explode.
The Boarding Teams attack dice can be modified depending on the upgrades purchased for the Patrol Boat.
Capturing the Guild Foreman: The Boarding Team must reach the large central station module with the Command Center. Then they must succeed in their advancement roll to enter the Command Center and capture the station. Any remaining Turbolaser emplacements are now under Pirate control. Players may choose their facing and attack targets for the rest of the mission. If the command center is destroyed no rewards are gained from completing this mission.
Enemy Target Priority: Once the station is captured and the turbolasers start shooting at the Mining Guild and mercenary ships, they will attempt to destroy the station’s defenses without damaging the rest of the station. Target priority will be any Player ships (including Patrol Boat) in firing arc followed by station turbolaser towers.
If the Pirates have control of the station at the end of turn 12, the territory is considered neutral and the enemy forces retreat and the mission ends. Note: unless you have destroyed or disabled all enemy ships by the end of turn 12, you cannot capture disabled ships.
The Pirates may continue to pursue the primary objective after turn 12 but the Imperial forces will not retreat once the station is captured. Delta squadron has Strike AI against the station if it is captured. Imperial ships have target priority of Player ships in arc, then station modules in order of Command Center, Turbolaser, Fuel Tank.
Acts of Piracy Mission 1 – Luxury Liners
Their is a passenger exchange happening between 2 Luxury cruise ships. The ships themselves have too tight of security, but the exchange shuttle will have a small window of vulnerability as it passes by the asteroid field. Disable it and loot the passengers for valuables. Be quick before local and Imperial patrols have time to respond. We have our Patrol Boat coming along as a Boarding Craft.

Players setup anywhere in area A. Once the Shuttle is disabled, the Patrol Boat arrives setup anywhere in area A. Players collectively control the Patrol Boat.
The Luxury Shuttle will go 2 straight toward board edge B until disabled or destroyed. The Shuttle is disabled when it has 1-3 hull remaining. If the shuttle is destroyed, no credits are received from the mission. Once the shuttle is disabled, AI ships will treat it as an obstacle when it comes to swerving.
Once the Patrol Boat has docked with the shuttle, all enemy ships will switch to Strike AI with the Patrol Boat as the target. Your ships may perform the Protect action on the Patrol Boat.
Objective: Disable the Shuttle and wither allow your Patrol Boat to dock with it, then escape off of either board edge A before the end of turn 12 OR destroy or disable all enemy ships on the board before the end of turn 10.
Enemy forces: Z-95s, Y-Wings, TIE/ln, Skipray Blastboat
Territory: Neutral
Rewards: 60k Credits for successfully docking with the shuttle and escaping with the Patrol Boat before turn 12. +15k for every turn the Patrol Boat is docked after the first up to 90k Total (max reward at 3 turns docked). If you are able to disable the shuttle and destroy or disable all enemy ships before the end of turn 10, you receive the full 90k.
Squad | Arrival | Vector | AI | 3p | 4p | 5p | 6p |
Shuttle | Setup | C | Special | 1x Luxury Shuttle | + 1 Shield | + 1 Shield | + 1 Shield |
Able | Setup | C | Escort | 2x Z-95s | + Z-95 | + Z-95 | |
Bravo | Turn 2 | 1d6 | Attack | 1x Y-Wing | + Y-Wing | ||
Alpha | Turn 4 | 1d6 | Attack | 1x TIE/ln Fighter | +TIE/ln Fighter | + TIE/ln Fighter | + TIE/ln Fighter |
Charlie | Turn 8 | 1d6 | Attack | 1x Skipray Blastboat | 1x Skipray Blastboat | ||
Beta | Turn 11 | 1d6 | Attack | 2x TIE/ln Fighter | + TIE/ln Fighter | + TIE/ln Fighter | |
Pirate Boarding Party | Special | A | Player | Patrol Boat |
Acts of Piracy Mission 2 – Unexpected Arrivals
You have successfully stopped a group of bulk freighters with no patrols in sight. Scan the freighters to find the one that has the most valuable cargo so you can load it into our Patrol Boat which is waiting for your signal. Lets get this done quickly before any patrols come to check on them.

Objective: Identify the Freighter with valuable cargo, load it into the Patrol Boat then escape to hyperspace or off any board edge. At least one ship must survive until the Patrol Boat has escaped.
Enemy forces: Z-95s, Y-Wings, YT-2400, Skipray Blastboats
Squad | Arrival | Vector | AI | 3p | 4p | 5p | 6p |
Merchant Freighters | Setup | Special | Special | 3x BFF-1 Bulk Freighters | + BFF-1 Bulk Freighter | ||
Red | 4 | 1 | Attack | 2x Z-95 | |||
Gold | 5 | 6 | Attack | 1x Y-Wing | + Y-Wing | ||
Green | 6 | 4 | Attack | 1x Z-95 | + Z-95 | +Z-95 | |
Patrol Boat | Special | A | Player | 1x PB-950 | |||
Rebel Freighter | Special | 4 | Strike | 1x YT-2400 | + Shield | + Shield | + Shield |
Able | 11 | 3 | Attack | 1x Skipray Blastboat | +1 Skipray Blastboat | ||
Blue | 12 | 2 | Attack | 1x X-Wing | +X-Wing | +X-Wing | +X-Wing |
Alpha | 13 | 3 | Attack | 2x TIE/in Interceptors | +TIE/in Interceptor | +TIE/in Interceptor |
BFF-1 Bulk Freighters
See map for placement. See FGA or HotAC stat cards for full rules for Bulk Freighters (Initiative 0, 0 Agility, 8 Hull, 4 Shield, can only move 1 straight, crits all count as 2 hits). They can be represented by any Large base ship, or just a large base if you so choose. All Freighters are facing the edge opposite Vectors 3 and 4. Initially the Freighters are stationary.
Scanning the Freighters
Put number tokens from 1 up to the number of Freighters on the board at setup into a bag. When a Freighter is inspected (by performing a Scan action within range 1 of the Freighter) draw a number from the bag. If it is a 1, you have found the valuable cargo.
Freighters with Low Value Cargo
Following the round after it has been scanned, a freighter with low value cargo is clear to continue its journey and will move 1 straight forward each round until they overlap the board edge and are removed from play. Since they are considered neutral, players do not get XP for damaging them.
Valuable Cargo Freighter
This Freighter will not move or take any actions during this mission. Even after being identified.
Rebel Freighter and Patrol Boat
The Rebel YT-2400 and your Patrol Boat will arrive the round after the Freighter containing the valuable goods has been scanned. The YT-2400 has Strike AI against the Patrol Boat and the turret arc is facing forward at setup. Your Patrol Boat arrives in zone A. If your Patrol Boat is destroyed, the YT-2400 attempts to dock with the identified Freighter and escape.
Local Patrol
The Local Patrol Skipray Blastboats of squad Able will attack all targets, both Rebel and Pirate.
Those blasted Rebels are cutting into our profits. I hope you’ve learned a valuable lesson about the cutthroat nature of piracy. Next time we see them, no mercy.
Gain all mission XP.
Add Mission Cards for Acts of Piracy Mission 3, Illicit Activity Mission 2 (if not already added), and Lost Loot Mission 1 to the Mission Deck
Well done snagging the cargo right out of the Rebels hands. Luckily their good pilots were out distracting the patrols to open up this opportunity. Do you think it would be in bad taste to send them a thank you gift?
Gain all mission rewards and XP
Add Mission Cards for Acts of Piracy Mission 3, Illicit Activity Mission 2 (if not already added), and Lost Loot Mission 1 to the Mission Deck.
Acts of Piracy Mission 3 – Blind Spot
Between us and the Rebels, the Imperial patrols are stretched thin. To give them an early warning system they have set up a sensor net in the asteroid field. We need to create a blind spot to give ourselves an opportunity to hit a passing freighter convoy. Take out the sensors so they won’t see us coming. Be careful not to trigger the sensor net and bring in any patrols. Using Ion weapons will make it look like equipment failure and keep the suspicions down.

Player setup in Zone A. Place 12 Asteroids randomly in Zone B at Range > 1 apart and Range > 1 from the edge.
Objective: Disable or destroy all Sensor Beacons in this area of the asteroid field before the end of turn 12 then escape to hyperspace or off any board edge. Each Sensor Beacon is worth 1xp when disabled/destroyed)
Bonus Objective: If no Rapid Response squads arrive, gain 2xp per player pilot.
Territory: Neutral
Enemy forces: Sensor Beacons, TIE/ln Fighters, TIE/in Interceptors, Elite Imperial Pilot
Rewards: 80k Credits
Squad | Arrival | Vector | AI | 3p | 4p | 5p | 6p |
Alpha | Special | 2 | Attack | 2x TIE/ln Fighter | + TIE/ln | + TIE/ln | |
Beta | Special | 5 | Attack | 2x TIE/sa Bombers | + TIE/sa Bomber | ||
Rapid Response | Special | 1d6 | Attack | 1x TIE/in Interceptor per crit (Max 4) | |||
Elite | Special | 1d6 | Attack | 1x Elite Fighter |
Sensor Beacons: Represent Sensor Beacons using the satellite tokens. Use 2 Sensor Beacons per player pilot and randomly place them on top of asteroids (Max 12 beacons at 6 player pilots).
Disabling Sensor Beacons: Sensor Beacons are considered Emplacements and are not obstructed by the asteroid they are placed on. When attacking, measure range to the Asteroid token (not the satellite token). They have 3 Agility, 2 Hull and have the ability Difficult Target: If you do not have a lock on this target, after you roll your attack dice change one Hit result to a Focus result. If a Sensor Beacon receives a single Ion Token or damage from an Ion weapon it is considered permanently disabled.
Seismic charges that destroy the Asteroid that a Beacon is on automatically destroy the beacon as well but add 1 Attack die to the Sensor Check pool when rolling for Rapid Response.
Squad Arrivals: The turn after the first Sensor beacon is disabled or destroyed, Alpha squadron arrives. The turn after the second Sensor beacon is disabled or destroyed, Beta squadron arrives.
Sensor Check: During the end phase, Pirate ships must make a sensor check. Each player builds a pool of attack dice based on the following conditions:
Sensor Check | Dice |
Each Beacon at Range 1 of the ship | +3 |
Each Beacon at Range 2 of the ship | +2 |
Each Beacon at Range 3 of the ship | +1 |
Beacon damaged but not destroyed by anything other than Ion weapons | +1 |
Asteroid Destroyed by Seismic Charge | +1 |
Proton Bomb detonated within range 2 of a Beacon that is still active | +1 |
If the Beacon has at least 1 Jam token | -1 |
If the ship has a Stealth Device with an active Charge | -1 |
If the ship is Cloaked (has a cloak token) | -2 |
Each player rolls their dice pool. Players overlapping an asteroid that contains an active Sensor Beacon automatically add a Crit result to their roll.
If there is at least 1 Crit result among all the Sensor dice rolled, a Rapid Response squadron arrives at the start of the next turn composed of 1 TIE/in Interceptor per critical hit rolled to a maximum of 4. There is no limit to the number of Rapid Response squads that can arrive.
When half of the Sensor Beacons are destroyed, the Elite squad arrives at the start of the next turn. The Elite Squad is randomly drawn from the Imperial pilot cards.
Acts of Piracy Mission 4 – Convoy Intercept
The Imperials have increased their presence in the sector as a result of the Rebel activity and our Piracy but they are stretched thin. They have resorted to using their bombers on patrol and escort duty. The bomber escorted convoys are much better targets and we found one with a light escort. Disable the freighters and disable or destroy their escorts. Be careful as any one of the freighters could be carrying munitions.

Objective: Disable all Bulk Freighters and destroy or disable their escorts. Destroyed freighters cannot be looted and do not give any reward. At any point there are no enemy ships on the board and at least 1 Bulk Freighter is disabled, the players may end the mission and take whatever rewards are in the Freighter’s hold. Any Freighters that are not disabled at this point are assumed to have escaped.
Territory: Neutral
Enemy Forces: TIE/sa Bombers, TIE/ln Fighters, TIE/in Interceptors, VT-49 Decimator
Rewards: For each Bulk Freighter roll 3 attack dice. The Freighters cargo value can be summed by adding the results using the following values: Blank = $2k, Focus = $5k, Hit = $10k, Crit = Munitions Upgrades (1x Concussion Missiles and 1x Concussion Bombs or can be sold for 70% full market value of $7k total credits)
Squad | Arrival | Vector | AI | 3p | 4p | 5p | 6p |
Convoy | Setup | B, C, D | Special | 3x Bulk Freighter | |||
Alpha | Setup | 3 | Attack | 1x TIE/sa Bombers | + TIE/sa Bomber | ||
Beta | Setup | 4 | Attack | 1x TIE/sa Bombers | + TIE/sa Bomber | ||
Delta | 5 | 1d6 | Attack | 1x TIE/in Interceptor | + TIE/in Interceptor | + TIE/in Interceptor | |
Gamma | 7 | 1d6 | Attack | 2x TIE/ln Fighter | +TIE/ln Fighter | +TIE/ln Fighter | |
Sigma | 12 | 1d6 | Attack | 2x TIE/ln Fighters | + TIE/ln Fighter | + TIE/ln Fighter | |
Omega | 12 | 1d6 | Attack | 1x VT-49 Decimator |
Bulk Freighters will move forward using the 1 straight template until disabled. They will move first at Initiative 0. AI ships make every effort to stay out of all Bulk Freighters flight path. A Bulk Freighter is considered disabled when it has 1-3 Hull points remaining. You may use any Large base ship to represent a Bulk Freighter. All Crits against a Bulk Freighter count as 2 Hits.
Player ships may perform the Scan action on each Freighter 1 time to determine the value of their cargo holds. Mark down the results for each scan and there is no need to reroll for these Freighters at the end of the mission. Gain 1xp for scanning an unscanned Freighter.
If an unscanned Freighter is destroyed, roll 3 attack die. For each Crit result rolled, each ship at range 1 takes 1 Hit damage as Munitions in the cargo hold explode.
How could you let a couple lousy TIE Bombers keep you from stopping that convoy? This is a huge disappointment.
Gain half XP from this mission
Add Acts of Piracy Mission 5 to the Mission Deck
If we stretch their patrols any thinner, we might just catch some completely unguarded convoys. Good work.
Gain all earned Rewards and XP
Add Acts of Piracy Mission 5 to the Mission Deck
Acts of Piracy Mission 5 – Wallowing Whale
Our scouts have spotted a large transport trying to sneak through the asteroid field. It is moving slowly in order to navigate this dangerous route. Given its location and its Rebel fighter escort, it is not likely to call for help from Patrols. There are rumors of an Elite Rebel squadron in the system. Lets try to capture the Freighter before they have a chance to respond.

Player setup in Zone A. 6 Asteroids placed randomly in Area B > Range 1 of each other and none placed in the path of the Pale Purrgil. Pale Purrgil and Y-Wing Escorts setup as shown.
Objective: Disable the GR-75 Pale Purrgil and destroy or disable the fighter escort. At any point in which the Pale Purrgil is disabled and there are no other enemy ships on the board, the mission is considered a success and will end.
Territory: Neutral
Enemy Forces: X-Wings, A-Wings, Y-Wings
Rewards: 100k Credits
Squad | Arrival | Vector | AI | 3p | 4p | 5p | 6p |
Pale Purrgil | Setup | See Diagram | Attack | 1x GR-75 | |||
Gray | Setup | See Diagram | Attack | 2x Y-Wings | +Y-Wing | + Y-Wing | |
Green | Turn 5 | 1d6 | Attack | 2x A-Wings | +A-Wing | + A-Wing | |
Elites | Turn 9 | 1d6 | Attack | 1x X-Wing | +X-Wing | + X-Wing |
Pale Purrgil: Use a GR-75 for the Freighter Pale Purrgil with the following upgrades: Luminous title, Point-Defense Battery, Sensor Experts, and Optimized Power Core.
The Pale Purrgil will only execute 1 straight maneuvers and it can only perform the Lock linked to Calculate (added by Sensor Experts) and Focus actions in addition to Critical Card actions. It will always target the closest player ship in arc. During Setup, the Double Turret Arc for the Point Defense Battery is oriented sideways and does not rotate.
During the Combat Phase it will attack as many times as it can against the locked player ships. It will attack the closest ship in arc if no locked player ships are in arc/range of its weapons.
That elite X-Wing squadron is highly skilled. It is unfortunate we were not able to grab those supplies. Rumor has it they were worth quite a bit.
Receive half XP for this mission.
Add Acts of Piracy Mission 6 to the Mission Deck.
Well, well, well. Those Rebels sure know how to pack a freighter. Plenty of plunder to go around.
Receive all earned rewards and XP for this mission.
Add Acts of Piracy Mission 6 to the Mission Deck.
Acts of Piracy Mission 6 – Surprise Package
A local contact has let us know of a juicy score. Due to scheduling conflicts caused by the arrival of a high ranking Imperial Officer, there is a freighter that will be passing our area with no escort at all. It also seems they have a new navigator and have got themselves trapped in the asteroid field. This is too good of an opportunity to pass up.
Post Ambush Instructions: We’ve been sold out. Abort mission. Get out of there but try to discourage pursuit. Those fighters that deployed from the freighter are likely prototypes from the Imperial research station, if you can get in close and get some scan data on them we may be able to make some profit off this mess.

Setup: Fluffy Bantha anywhere in Zone A. 6 Asteroids in zone C at Range > 1 from each other but not in Zone A. Players may deploy at range 1 of any board edge.
Objectives: Scan the freighter with at least 2 ships. Destroy at least 1 enemy fighter per player ship and escape to hyperspace or flee off any board edge.
Bonus Objective: For each Player ship that scans a TIE Phantom, if that ship successfully escapes or survives the mission, add $20k Credits to the reward.
Territory: Hostile
Enemy Forces: TIE Phantoms, TIE/ln Fighters, VT49-Decimator
Reward: 20k Credits for initial scan data
Squad | Arrival | Vector | AI | 3p | 4p | 5p | 6p |
Fluffy Bantha | Setup | See Diagram | Special | 1x GR-75 (or CROC) | |||
Phantom | Special | A | Attack | 2x Elite TIE Phantom | + Elite TIE Phantom | ||
Alpha | 3 | 1d6 | Attack | 3x TIE/ln Fighters | + TIE/ln Fighter | ||
Bravo | 3 | 1d6 + 6 | Attack | 2x Z-95 Headhunters | +Z-95 | + Z-95 | |
Foxtrot | 4 | 1d6 +6 | Attack | 1x Skipray Blastboat | |||
Omega | 5 | 1d6 | Attack | 1x VT-49 Decimator | + Shield | + Shield | + Shield |
Gamma | 7 | 1d6 | Attack | 3x TIE/ln Fighters | + TIE/ln Fighter | ||
Charlie | 9 | 1d6 + 6 | Attack | 2x Z-95 Headhunters | + Z-95 | + Z-95 |
Phantom Squadron: After the Fluffy Bantha has been scanned the second time OR after squad Alpha arrives, deploy Phantom squadron from one of the side firing arcs and replace it with 2 large debris field obstacles placed roughly where the large ship was at Range > 1 from each other. Phantom squadron deploys with Cloak tokens.
This is the risk of piracy. Sometimes a juicy prize turns out to be a surprise package. Our informant has a lot of explaining to do.
Receive half XP for this mission.
That was a near thing. We will have to find out if our informant was duped or if they double crossed us. The Imperial and Local patrols will certainly think twice about springing a trap on us again.
Regardless, it may be time to find another system to raid for a while.
Receive all mission rewards and xp.
Illicit Activity Mission 1 – Spice Must Flow
Piracy isn’t the only way to make credits. Offering protection services to smugglers pays the bills and also can build goodwill. A spice smuggler has ran into some problems and has local patrols hot on their tail. They have contacted us to cover them while they escape.
Their HWK-290 has been hit pretty hard by pursuing patrols and their hyperdrive and weapons systems are currently inoperable. Keep the local and Imperial patrols off them long enough to get into the asteroid field and we will patch them up back at our base.

Player setup zone B, Spice Runner HWK-290 setup zone A, 6 asteroids in area C randomly placed > range 1 apart
Objectives: The Spice Runner HWK-290 must escape from your setup edge (B) then each player ship must escape off the board off any edge other than the edge touching zone A or jump to hyperspace.
Bonus Objective: 2 XP to all pilots if all Elite enemy pilots are destroyed.
Bonus Objective: The pilot who performs the most protect actions on the HWK gains 2xp. If there is a tie, all tied pilots gain 1xp.
Secondary Objective: If the Smuggler’s HWK is disabled instead of destroyed, you get a second chance to help them. Any pilot that is flying a ship with a Crew slot or the players Patrol Boat may dock with the HWK and then escape in its place for half the reward.
Enemy Forces: Z-95 Headhunters, Y-Wings, TIE/ln Fighters, TIE/in Interceptors
Reward: 60k Credits
Squad | Arrival | Vector | AI | 3p | 4p | 5p | 6p |
Able | Setup | 3 | Strike | 2x Z-95 | + Z-95 | +Z-95 | |
Bravo | Setup | 4 | Strike | 3x Z-95 | + Z-95 | ||
Elite | Turn 3 | 1d6 | Attack | 1x Elite TIE/in Interceptor | |||
Charlie | Turn 5 | 1d6 | Strike | 2x Y-Wing | +Y-Wing | +Y-Wing | |
Theta | Turn 7 | 1d6 | Strike | 2x TIE/ln Fighter | + TIE/ln Fighter | + TIE/ln Fighter | |
Omega | Special | A | Strike | 1x VT-49 Decimator |
The Smuggler is represented by a Spice Runner HWK-290 Initiative 1 with no upgrades.
- Due to damage from pursuing patrols, their weapons and hyperdrive are offline.
- The ship begins the mission with the “Damaged Sensor Array” critical hit and a number of shields equal to the number of pirate pilots flying the mission.
- The HWK also has damaged engines and is unable to perform the Boost action, and Speed 4 maneuvers are treated as Red.
Players decide as a team how to plan the Smuggler’s dial. The ship may perform actions as normal (other than boost) once repairing the Damaged Sensor Array critical hit.
The HWK escapes immediately if all or part of its base overlaps the the edge of the play area along the escape zone (area B). Pirate pilots may perform the Protect action on the Smuggler’s HWK.
If the HWK is disabled by Ion weapons instead of destroyed, the Omega squadron Decimator arrives in Zone A and the players Patrol Boat arrives in Zone B. The Decimator will head for the HWK and attempt to dock with it. If the Decimator successfully docks with the HWK then the mission is a failure. The Patrol Boat or any pirate pilot flying a ship with a Crew slot may also attempt to dock with the HWK to rescue the crew and some of the cargo.
I guess they had already taken too much damage. Such a shame. We could have used the credits.
Receive half XP for this mission.
Add the card for Illicit Activity Mission 2 (if not already added) to the Mission Deck.
The Smugglers were very appreciative. If they hadn’t delivered they might as well be dead.
Receive all mission rewards and XP for this mission.
Add the card for Illicit Activity Mission 2 (if not already added) to the Mission Deck.
Illicit Activity Mission 2 – Read the Mail
One of our slicers has cooked up a scheme to sell Imperial communications data on the black market. Now we just have to get a regular source. There is a Holonet receiver in system we could slice into for a regular source of intel. Escort our slicer tech in to find one that has a security vulnerability that we can exploit.

Objectives: Disable Satellite relays and Sensor Array Emplacements to identify the holonet channel with a security vulnerability. The Slicer Tech HWK-290 must secure the identified channel. The Slicer Tech HWK-290 must escape by jumping to hyperspace. If one of your pilots is a Slicer of at least rank 4, they can also secure the channel and escape.
Enemy Forces: TIE/ln Fighters, TIE/in Interceptors, Lambda Shuttle, Potential Elites
Illicit Activity Mission 3 – Prototype Data
Rumors that the latest Sienar Fleet Systems prototype TIEs are being tested nearby. The Sienar Fleet Systems competitors would love to have data on the new TIE. The Rebels would likely pay for it too. The more detailed the data, the better.

Objectives: Scan each Prototype TIE and escape with the scan data (TIE Phantom and TIE Defender models count as Prototypes). For each successful scan, up to 2 per Prototype type (max 4), the mission rewards increase as you get higher detailed information about the ships performance. You only get rewards for scan data that is successfully escaped with. Each ship may only carry 1 scan worth of data per its size (small base ship can scan 1x, medium base 2x, large base 3x). Exception is Slicer pilot who adds +1 to their maximum.
Enemy Forces: TIE/d Defender Prototypes, TIE Phantom Prototypes, TIE/ln Fighters, Lambda Shuttle, Potential Elites
Rivals Mission 1 – Send a Message
Guula the Hutt’s forces have been encroaching more and more into our hunting grounds in spite of our repeated warnings. Bait in a squad of their low rank pilots with our Patrol Boat as they pass through our space then destroy them to show we mean business.

Player setup the Patrol Boat in Area A as bait. Players may deploy from zones 1, 2, 5, or 6 any turn before turn 5.
6 Asteroids randomly placed in Area B but not in Area A.
Objectives: Destroy a number of Guula the Hutt’s ships equal to 1 plus the number of pilots you have (4 for 3 pilots, 5 for 4 pilots, etc) and then escape to hyperspace or fleeing of a board edge. Alternatively destroy all of the Hutt forces. If at any point there are no more enemy ships on the board, the Territory becomes Friendly and the mission ends. Keep the Patrol Boat alive. The Patrol Boat may flee the board any turn after at least 1 pirate pilot has deployed.
Territory: Neutral
Enemy Forces: Y-TIEs, TYE Wings, M3-As, Kimogila
Rewards: $10k per Threat Level bounty on each ship destroyed or disabled. No reward for ships that flee.
Squad | Arrival | Vector | AI | 3p | 4p | 5p | 6p |
Patrol Boat | Setup | A | Player | 1x Patrol Boat | |||
Halberd | Setup | 3 | Attack | 2x TYE-Wings | + TYE-Wing | + TYE-Wing | |
Trident | Setup | 4 | Attack | 2x TYE-Wings | +TYE-Wing | + TYE-Wing | |
Mace | Turn 2 | 3 | Attack | 2x Y-TIE | + Y-TIE | +Y-TIE | |
Morningstar | Turn 2 | 4 | Attack | 2x Y-TIE | + Y-TIE | +Y-TIE | |
Dagger | Turn 4 | 3 | Attack | 2x M3-A Scyk | + M3-A Scyk | + M3-A Scyk | |
Blade | Turn 6 | 4 | Attack | 1x M12-L Kimogila | 1x M12-L Kimogila |
Players may perform the Escort action on the Patrol Boat to give it a Protect token.
Guula’s probably laughing his tail off. We couldn’t even take out his lowest ranking goons.
Gain no credits and half earned XP.
Shuffle this mission back into the Mission Deck
Maybe that will teach them to stay out of our territory. Be a shame if they decided to escalate things.
Gain all earned credits and XP.
Add Mission Card for Rivals Mission 2 to the Mission Deck.
Rivals Mission 2 – Retaliation
Guula has decided to escalate and sent a large force into our territory. They have attacked a flight of our recruits who were out scouting. Such a display of disrespect will not be tolerated. Engage them and destroy them or drive them off.

Players setup in Zone A. 8 Asteroids randomly placed > range 1 of each other in Zone B, but not in the internal range 3 zone containing C and D zones.
Objectives: Destroy or make flee all enemy forces. As long as you have at least one ship on the board you are considered pursuing your primary objective.
Bonus Objective: 2 XP per player for each Scout TYE-Wing that survives until turn 12 or that is still alive when all enemies are cleared off the board.
Alternative Objective: Survive until turn 12, then escape of any board edge or to hyperspace. If you follow this objective, take the defeat path but receive full earned rewards and XP.
Enemy Forces: Z-95s, M3-As, Y-Wings, Kihraxz, Kimogila
Reward: $5k bounty per threat level of each enemy ship destroyed or disabled by any method. No reward for ships that flee.
Squad | Arrival | Vector | AI | 3p | 4p | 5p | 6p |
Scouts | Setup | C | Attack | 2x TYE-Wings | + TYE-Wing | + TYE-Wing | |
Dagger | Setup | D | Strike | 2x Z-95 | + Z-95 | + Z-95 | |
Axe | Setup | E | Strike | 2x M3-A | +M3-A | + M3-A | |
Mace | Turn 4 | 1d6 | Attack | 1x Y-Wing | +Y-Wing | + Y-Wing | |
Sabre | Turn 6 | 1d6 | Attack | 1x Khiraxz | + Khiraxz | + Khiraxz | |
Blade | Turn 9 | 1d6 | Attack | 1x M12-L Kimogila | 1x M12-L Kimogila |
The Scouts are allies but are not player controlled. They are represented by Pirate Recruit TYE-Wings with a Scavenged Shield Generator at Initiative 1. Players can decide how to set them up in Zone C.
Dagger squadron will be placed in in Zone D as close as possible to and facing the Scout squadron. Dagger has Strike AI on Scouts.
There were too many of them. The Cartel is making this difficult for us. We made need to find some assistance.
Gain half XP and Credit rewards.
Add the Mission Card for Shadowport Search to the Mission Deck
The Cartel pilots are no match for our crew. Maybe now Guula will take us seriously.
Gain all mission rewards.
Add Mission Card for Rivals Mission 3 to the Mission Deck.
Rivals Mission 3 – Reclaim
While our fighters were out patrolling the asteroid field, that sneaky worm Guula sent a force to raid our base and captured it. Luckily our PB-950 was out on a training run and our elite boarding team is ready for revenge. Retake the station and stop any ships from looting our supplies.

Setup: Player setup in zone A. Place 6 Asteroids in Zone B, random layout Range > 1 from each other and edge. C/D are Cartel escape zones.
Objectives: Dock the PB-950 on one of the 2 docking bays by round 12. At least 1 of your ships must survive until round 12.
Bonus Objective: Disable at least 2 enemy freighters trying to escape with our supplies.
Territory: Hostile
Enemy Forces: Z-95s, Kihraxz, Kimogilas, YT-2400/1300 Freighters
Rewards: 30k credits for each Large base Freighter you disable, 10k for each small base Freighter you disable.
Penalty: For each Large base Freighter that escapes, you and the company lose 40% of your banked Credits (rounded up). For each small base Freighter that escapes you lose 10% of your banked Credits.
Squad | Arrival | Vector | AI | 3p | 4p | 5p | 6p |
Dagger | Setup | Bay 1 | Attack | 2x Z-95 | + Z-95 | ||
Sabre | Setup | Bay 2 | Strike | 1x Khiraxz | + Khiraxz | + Khiraxz | |
Freighter C1 | Turn 2 | Bay 1 | Escape | 1x YT-1300 | |||
Knife | Turn 5 | 1d6 | Attack | 2x Z-95 | + Z-95 | ||
Freighter D1 | Turn 6 | Bay 2 | Escape | 2x HWK-290 | |||
Dirk | Turn 9 | 1d6 | Attack | 2x Z-95 | + Z-95 | ||
Cutlass | Turn 9 | 1d6 | Attack | 2x Khiraxz | + Khiraxz | ||
Freighter C2 | Turn 10 | Bay 1 | Escape | 1x YV-666 | |||
Patrol Boat | Turn 6 | A | Player | PB-950 Patrol Boat |
Pirate Base: The Pirate Base has 2 remaining Turbolaser emplacements which start facing Zone A. They will fire at player ships until Round 9 as the Cartel flees the station OR until the player has landed the Patrol Boat on the station. Once the Patrol Boat has landed, the Turbolaser emplacements are under player control. Cartel ships will shoot at the Turbolaser emplacements once they are under player control if they have no other targets.
Once the Patrol Boat has landed and you have reached the end of turn 12, the mission is considered over. You can either choose to end it immediately or have all remaining enemy ships change to Flee AI and play it out.
Freighters: The Freighters are fully loaded and as a result have a maximum speed of 3, cannot boost, and their Agility is reduced by 1 (they still receive range bonus). For this mission, each Freighter has a number of shields equal to the number of player ships. All Freighters with turrets start with the turret arc facing forward.
Once a Freighter is reduced to 1-3 Hull, it is considered disabled. Disabled Freighters are considered “Enemy” ships to all other ships for the purposes of bumping (do not roll for damage, may take stress and focus). They will continue drifting at speed 1 straight until they have left the play area or the mission is over. Once they are disabled they do not take actions, perform attacks or take damage from asteroids.
Patrol Boat: The player Patrol Boat arrives on Round 6. To complete the mission the Patrol Boat needs to land in either Docking Bay 1 or 2. If the Patrol Boat is destroyed, the mission is considered a failure. The Patrol Boat may not redeploy once it has landed.
Landing the Patrol Boat in a Docking Bay does not prevent Freighters from deploying from that Docking Bay. Players may perform Protect actions on the Patrol Boat.
The Cartel have completely trashed this station. We will need to find another place to stage from as we take revenge.
Receive half XP from this mission. Receive all earned rewards and penalties.
Add bonus mission A New Home to the available mission choices. Add Rivals Mission 4 to the Mission Deck.
That’s it. Time to get rid of that sneaky worm and his Cartel for good. I think we can get some credits from what remains of these freighters to help fund our retaliation.
Receive all earned rewards, penalties and XP from this mission.
Add Rivals Mission 4 to the Mission Deck.
Rivals Mission 4 – Root Out Part 1
We will not tolerate Guula the Hutt’s Cartel presence any longer. Our sources have located one of the Cartel’s staging outposts. Start by destroying and looting this staging outposts. Our PB-950 will accompany you to lend fire support and haul back any loot you find.

Setup: The staging area is represented by a few single station pods with cargo emplacements. Players setup in Zone A. 6 Debris Fields placed in Zone B at Range > 1 from each other and initial ships.
Objectives: The PB-950 Patrol Boat must survive. Destroy or capture all Cargo Emplacements. The PB-950 can hold up to 5 Cargo. All Firespray craft must be destroyed.
Territory: Hostile
Enemy Forces: Z-95s, Firesprays, M3-As, Y-Wings
Rewards: 25k Credits for each cargo emplacement you escape with.
Squad | Arrival | Vector | AI | 3p | 4p | 5p | 6p |
Dagger | Setup | 3 | Attack | 2x Z-95 | + Z-95 | +Z-95 | |
Knife | Setup | 4 | Attack | 2x Z-95 | + Z-95 | ||
Hammer | Setup | Special | Strike | 1x Firespray | + Shield | + Shield | |
Sledge | Setup | Special | Strike | 1x Firespray + Shield | + Shield | ||
Patrol Boat | Setup | A | Player | PB-950 Patrol Boat | |||
Dirk | Turn 5 | 1d6 | Attack | 2x M3-A Scyk | + M3-A Scyk | + M3-A Scyk | |
Mace | Turn 9 | 1d6 | Strike | 2x Y-Wing | + Y-Wing |
All enemy ships with Strike AI have it against the Patrol Boat. They will take shots at the Patrol Boat even over Range 1 shots on any other target if they can fire at the Patrol Boat.
Picking up Cargo: In order to pick up a Cargo emplacement, the ship attempting to pick up must overlap with its base and spend an action to Acquire Cargo. Only Large Base ships, Medium Base ships, the Quadjumper and the HWK-290 may take the Acquire Cargo action. Quadjumpers and HWK-290s may only acquire 1 cargo each. Large Base ships may acquire up to 3 Cargo. Medium Base ships may acquire up to 2 Cargo. The Company Patrol Boat may acquire up to 5 Cargo.
If a ship has the maximum number of Cargo that it can carry, it is considered Fully Loaded and has the following restrictions / special rules:
- Max speed of 3
- May not Boost
- May not Barrel Roll
- May not SLAM
- May not Cloak or gain Cloak tokens
- A Critical Hit will cause 1 Cargo to drop using the speed 1 straight template
We absolutely must strip the Cartel of its supplies. Get back out there and hit them again.
Gain no rewards or XP for this mission.
Reshuffle this mission back into the Mission Deck.
Great job. This is the first step in kicking the Cartel out of this system. This cargo was rightfully ours anyway. Loot from freighters the Cartel has hit in our territory.
Gain all earned rewards and XP for this mission.
Add Rivals Mission 5 to the Mission Deck.
Rivals Mission 5 – Root Out Part 2
One of Guula the Hutt’s lieutenants has decided that we are likely to be the winner’s in this engagement and has sold out the location of Guula’s main base of operation in this system. Time to take it for ourselves and kick the Hutt Cartel out.

Setup: Player setup in zone A. Assemble the Cartel space station as shown.
Objectives: Destroy all Shield Generators. Then your PB-950 must land in one of the docking bays of the Hutt Cartel Station. The Station must be captured. Bonus Objective will be to disable freighters fleeing with supplies.
Territory: Hostile until Primary Objective is achieved. Once station is captured, territory is Friendly.
Enemy Forces: Khiraxz, M3-As, Kimogilas, YT-2400, YT-1300, station emplacements
Rewards: 80k Credits. +20k Credits for each Freighter that is destroyed or disabled before it escapes.
Squad | Arival | Vector | AI | 3P | 4P | 5P | 6P |
Patrol Boat | Setup | A | Player | ||||
Sabre | Setup | 5 | Attack | 2 Khiraxz Elites | + Khiraxz Elite | ||
Dagger | Round 4 | 1d6 | Attack | 2 M3-A Scyks | + M3-A Scyk | + M3-A Scyk | |
Freighter One | Round 8 | Bay 1 | Escape | Elite YT-1300 | + Shield | + Shield | +Shield |
Freighter Two | Round 8 | Bay 2 | Escape | Elite YT-2400 | + Shield | + Shield | + Shield |
Glaive | Round 8 | 1d6 | Attack | Kimogila | + Kimogila | + Kimogila |
Assaulting the Station: Players ships may perform the Protect action on the Patrol Boat. To Unload the Boarding Team, the Patrol Boat must land in one of the station’s Docking Bays after the Shield Generators have been destroyed. Place a Tracking Token on the Docking Bay tile to represent the Boarding Team.
The Patrol Boat may deploy from the Docking Bay that it landed in on any of the following rounds.
Advancing the Boarding Team: At the end of each turn, roll 3 attack dice. If the number of hits rolled is equal to or greater than the number of emplacements on that station tile, players may move the commandos to an adjacent station tile. Otherwise, they may destroy one emplacement on that tile or simply wait until the next round. Players may choose if Fuel Tanks destroyed this way explode.
The Boarding Teams attack dice can be modified depending on the upgrades purchased for the Patrol Boat.
Capturing the Station: The Boarding Team must reach the large central station module with the Command Center. Then they must succeed in their advancement roll to enter the Command Center and capture the station. Any remaining Turbolaser emplacements are now under Pirate control. Players may choose their facing and attack targets for the rest of the mission. If the command center is destroyed Credit rewards are reduced by half.
Freighter Escape AI: The Freighter that launches from Bay 1 will attempt to escape through Vector 6. The Freighter that launches from Bay 2 will attempt to escape through Vector 1.
We must rid the system of these trespassers. Lets regroup and come up with a new assault plan.
No Credit rewards gained.
Reshuffle this mission back into the Mission Deck.
The Cartel will think twice before attempting to muscle in on our territory again. We have made it very unprofitable for them.
Full earned rewards gained. Treat end of mission as friendly territory.
Add Rivals Mission 6 to the Mission Deck.
Rivals Mission 6 – Salt to a Slug
Guula the Hutt is slinking out to the edge of the asteroid belt in his CR90 Flagship. He has his personal guard and some hired bounty hunters and mercenaries for protection as we have decimated his pirate force. Don’t let him get away or he will return with more forces.

Objectives: Destroy or capture Guula the Hutt’s flagship. At least 1 of your ships and the PB-950 must survive until the CR90 is captured or destroyed.
Enemy Forces: Star Vipers, Fang Fighters, Firesprays, JumpMaster 5000, G-1A Starfighter
Lost Loot Mission 1 – Bounty Full Harvest
Normally we aren’t bounty hunters but this one has practically fallen into our lap. An Imperial Defector is set to meet with the Rebels in this sector and we have obtained information on the meeting time and place. Swoop in and grab him so we can ransom him off to the highest bidder.

Objectives: The Defector’s Shuttle must be disabled and your PB-950 must dock with the disabled Shuttle to capture the Defector. PB-950 must survive and flee any board edge except B or jump to hyperspace.
If at any point the shuttle is disabled and there are no more enemy ships on the board, the mission ends in success.
Enemy Forces: Lambda Shuttle, Z-95s, X-Wings, A-Wings, YT-2400
Rewards: $60k credits
Squad | Arrival | Vector | AI | 3p | 4p | 5p | 6p |
Shuttle | Setup | C | Special | 1x Lambda Shuttle | + 2 Shield | + 2 Shield | + 2 Shield |
Blue | Setup | C | Escort | 2x Z-95 | + Z-95 | + Z-95 | |
Elite | Turn 2 | 1d6 | Attack | Elite X-Wing | |||
Gray | Turn 4 | 1d6 | Escort | 2x Z-95 | +Z-95 | ||
Green | Turn 8 | 1d6 | Escort | 2x A-Wing | + A-Wing | ||
Red | Turn 11 | 1d6 | Escort | 2x X-Wing | + X-Wing | +X-Wing | |
Patrol Boat | Special | A | Player | PB-950 Patrol Boat | |||
Rebel Freighter | Special | B | Strike | YT-2400 |
The Shuttle will engage and attack the nearest target as usual. Once it has suffered 5 damage of any kind (shield or hull) it will switch to Flee AI and try to escape from edge B. Treat that edge as the priority target for movement, and always use the shuttle’s maximum speed for the selected bearing.
The Shuttle is represented by the Omnicron Group Pilot and has the upgrade Anti-Pursuit Lasers: After an Enemy ship performs a maneuver that cause it to overlap you ship, roll 1 Attack die. On a Hit or a Crit result, the Enemy ship suffers one damage.
The Shuttle is disabled immediately when it has 1-3 Hull remaining. However if the shuttle is reduced to 0 Hull, it is still destroyed as usual and the players fail the mission. The player that disables the shuttle gains 4xp.
The Patrol Boat arrives the turn after the shuttle is disabled. Player ships may perform the Protect action on the Patrol Boat.
Once the Patrol Boat arrives, all ships with Escort AI switch to Strike AI against the Patrol Boat.
The Rebel Freighter arrives the turn after the Patrol Boat arrives and has Strike AI targeting it.
All Rebel ships have been told this mission has increased priority and their Flee threshold is modified to be 1 Hull (instead of the usual 2 printed on the AI card).
I can’t believe you fouled that up. That would have been a big catch.
Oh well guess we will have to try some other scheme to earn credits.
Earn half XP for this mission.
If you have completed Illicit Activity 2, add Lost Loot Mission 2 Mission Card to the Mission Deck. Otherwise add Illicit Activity 2 to the Mission Deck and when it is done, Add Lost Loot 2. When you play Lost Loot 2 enemy reinforcements arrive 2 turns earlier.
Well done. You snagged that Imperial Defector right out from the Rebel’s grasp.
Lets start the auction and see how much he is worth to both sides.
Earn all rewards for this mission.
Add Mission Card for Lost Loot Mission 2 to the Mission Deck.
Lost Loot Mission 2 – Lost Treasure Map
Lost Loot 1 Victory: Our captive has negotiated terms of his release without the mess of a ransom drop. He has agreed to lead us to an old Separatist research base and supply cache in the sector. There is supposedly a smugglers cargo container with the coordinates somewhere in a nearby ion storm. The Rebels were told about this as well but don’t know which area to search. You can bet they will be nearby.
Lost Loot 1 Defeat: It seems the Imperials aren’t the only ones using the Holonet. One of our slicers picked up a hidden message out to Rebel Command. It seems the Defector knew about a map to an old Separatist research base and supply cache that was lost in a nearby ion storm. Those supplies could be worth quite a lot. Lets find that map before the Rebels do. Between the message and our scouts reports on Rebel activity, we know the general area. Be quick, they will have a head start. Modifier: All Rebel ships arrive 1 turn earlier (Green squadron deploys on Setup).

Objectives: Scan the Ion Clouds to find the Cargo Container. Recover the Cargo with the PB-950 or with a pilot who is flying a Freighter (HWK-290, YT-1300, YT-2400, VCX-100, YV-666). Recovery ship must escape from edge A. Alternatively, destroy all enemy forces.
Enemy Forces: Z-95s, X-Wings, B-Wings
Territory: Neutral
Rewards: 30k Credits
Squad | Arrival | Vector | AI | 3p | 4p | 5p | 6p |
Green | Turn 2 | 1d6 | Attack | 2x Z-95 | + Z-95 | + Z-95 | |
Gray | Turn 3 | 1d6 | Special | 1x B-Wing | + B-Wing | ||
Blue | Turn 5 | 1d6 | Attack | 2x Z-95 | +Z-95 | + Z-95 | |
Red | Turn 7 | 1d6 | Attack | 1x X-Wing | + X-Wing | +X-Wing | |
Patrol Boat | Special | A | Player | PB-950 Patrol Boat | |||
Rebel Freighter | Special | Special | Strike | YT-2400 |
Gray squadron will attempt to scan for the cargo as well as long as they do not have an enemy in their arc at range 1. Set their maneuver by targeting the nearest ion cloud that they have not scanned. If they find it, the Rebel Freighter arrives and attempts to pick it up.
Rebel Freighter: The Rebel Freighter arrives at the entry vector (1-6) furthest from where the cargo module is discovered and must escape from the same board edge it arrived on if it is able to pick up the cargo.
To pick up the cargo container the ship attempting to pick it up must end its maneuver with its base overlapping.
As soon as the Patrol Boat or a player pirate ship picks up the cargo, all Rebel squadrons switch to Strike AI against that ship. Other pirate ships may perform the Escort action on the cargo carrying ship.
Search Setup: Get a number of Tokens equal to the number of player pilots + 4 (for 3 pilots use 7 tokens, for 4 pilots use 8, etc). Place a token on each cloud not adjacent to a board edge starting with the clouds furthest from Zone A. Once each cloud has a token, place the remaining tokens randomly but no more than 3 per cloud. Prepare a draw bag (or preferred random draw method of your choice such as a small stack of shuffled playing cards) with 1 item representing the cargo module and 1 item for each non cargo module token. For example for 3 pilots using playing cards put 1 face card and 6 non-face cards in a deck and shuffle.
Finding the Cargo Container: Players may attempt to locate the Cargo Container by performing the Scan action at range 1 of an Ion Cloud. Whenever you scan a cloud with a marker, draw a random indicator and remove a marker.
If a player ship finds the cargo container, their Patrol Boat arrives in Zone A the following turn. The Rebel freighter arrives the turn after the Patrol Boat.
If the Rebel B-Wing finds the cargo container, the Rebel Freighter arrives on a random vector (1d6) the following turn and the pirate Patrol Boat arrives the turn after the Rebel Freighter.
It is unfortunate that the Rebels got the cargo module. But if we track their movements closely they may lead us to the prize.
Receive half XP from this mission and no other rewards.
Add Lost Loot Mission 4B to the Mission Deck
Nothing like a treasure map to brighten a pirate’s day. And it looks like that defector was liberating some credits in that cargo module as well.
Receive full XP and credits from this mission.
Add Lost Loot 3 to the Mission Deck
Lost Loot Mission 3 – Blaze a Trail
Alright, the good news is we have the coordinates. The bad news, our scouts indicated they place the facility in the middle of an old Separatist mine field. Lets clear a path for our freighter and see if this info is worth the Defector’s freedom.

Objectives: Make a path through the minefield by destroying all minefield tokens. The mission is a success when there are fewer minefields remaining than the total number of players and no Mine Layers are on the board. If all the minefield tokens are destroyed all pilots gain 2xp. If no replacement minefields are laid, each pilot gains 1xp.
Squad | Arrival | Vector | AI | 3p | 4p | 5p | 6p |
Mine Layers | Special | 3 | Attack | 2x Hyena Bomber | + Hyena Bomber | ||
Patrol 1 | Turn 2 | 4 | Attack | 2x Vulture Droid | + Vulture Droid | +Vulture Droid | |
Elite | Turn 5 | 1d6 | Attack | Elite Droid Tri Fighter (with Independent Calc) | |||
Patrol 2 | Turn 5 | 1d6 | Attack | 2x Vulture Droid | + Vulture Droid | +Vulture Droid |
Minefield Setup: During setup, place 3 minefield tokens per player pilot then place 1 extra minefield token (10 for 3 pilots, 13 for 4 pilots, etc). Each minefield must be just beyond Range 1 from at least 1 other minefield and at Range 2 or further from the board edge adjacent to Zone A, and Range 1 or further from the opposite edge. No range restrictions on the 2 side edges.
These minefield tokens are hostile to player ships and will detonate if overlapped by them.
Pilots gain 1xp for destroying a minefield token with an attack or device. No xp is gained for destroying a minefield by overlapping it and detonating it.
Minefields receive Ion Tokens as normal and are considered Ionized when they have 2 Ion Tokens. An Ionized minefield will not detonate when overlapped. Minefields clear 1 Ion token at the beginning of each turn.
Mine Layer Squad: The Mine Layer squad arrives the turn after the first minefield is destroyed. Each Hyena Bomber in the Mine Layer squad uses the standard Attack AI unless a Mine Field has been destroyed. If a Mine Field has been destroyed, a member of the Mine Layer squad will attempt to deploy a new minefield (using normal device/bomb dropping rules). The new token can only be deployed within range 2 of another minefield and cannot overlap a ship or minefield. Each member of the Mine Layer squad will attempt to lay a mine until one is successful. Only 1 Mine Layer will deploy a mine each turn.
If there are no mines to replace, no Mine Layer can legally deploy one, or the Mine Layers are out of charges (3 charges per bomber), then no replacement minefield is deployed.
Lost Loot Mission 4A – X Marks the Spot
We made a path to the station. Close in and scout it making sure there are no automatic defenses still up. Once the coast is clear, signal our Patrol Boat to come drop the loot team.

Objectives: Destroy or disable the stations defensive turrets and droid fighter protection. Prevent the Rebel Freighter from landing on the station. Destroy Rebel fighters. Dock your PB-950 with the station.
Rewards: Credits and 1 Aggressor Assault Fighter. Can repair the Aggressor in the shipyard for $80k if it is lost in combat. Cyborg Droid Wingman replacement is now $2k maximum.
Lost Loot 5B – Lead Us to the Prize
The Rebels have lead us right to the cache. Looks like an old station hidden in the middle of a minefield. They have already been there for a while and begun to loot. Lets swoop in and take the treasure for ourselves.
Bonus Catchup Missions
These are bonus missions. Designed to give players a chance to earn resources at low cost investment from them in the event that they are struggling or have lost several of their ships in a single mission and are low on credits.
Shadowport Search – Special Mission
Your pilots have been struggling against a particular enemy. Time to find some help. There are rumors of a Shadowport hidden in a nearby nebula. Find it and see if you can hire a mercenary or bounty hunter to help you out.

Objectives: Find the Shadowport in the Nebula by scanning Ion Clouds. Destroy all patrols.
Territory: Friendly
Enemy Forces: Z-95s, Y-Wings, TIE/ln Fighters
Rewards: $5k per destroyed patrol ship. No reward for ships the Shadowport or its security forces destroy.
Squad | Arrival | Vector | AI | 3p | 4p | 5p | 6p |
Scouts | Setup | C | Attack | 2x TYE-Wings | + TYE-Wing | + TYE-Wing | |
Dagger | Setup | D | Strike | 2x M3-A Scyk | + M3-A | + M3-A | |
Axe | Setup | E | Attack | 2x Z-95 | + Z-95 | + Z-95 | |
Mace | Turn 4 | 1d6 | Attack | 1x Y-Wing | +Y-Wing | + Y-Wing | |
Sabre | Turn 6 | 1d6 | Attack | 2x Khiraxz | + Khiraxz | ||
Blade | Turn 9 | 1d6 | Attack | 1x M12-L Kimogila | 1x M12-L Kimogila |
When the station is discovered, if there are any enemy ships on the board, the station immediately launches its defense force.
You gain no rewards for ships destroyed by the station or its defenders.
Need a Ride – Special Mission
These TYE-Wings aren’t going to cut it. We need something with more survivability and firepower. Our Slicer has discovered an impound lot used by Imperial and Local Patrols that has a few ships being held there. We have acquired some Patrol uniforms and false IDs to get into the facility. We will need to fly out through a canyon to hide from sensors and make good our escape.

Players are stealing ships in this mission and do not choose their ship ahead of time. To determine what ships they find in the impound lot, have each player roll 1 attack die. Consult the following table for the result.
Blank | Stock Z-95 with no Upgrades |
Eye | Z-95 with Shield Upgrade and Concussion Missiles |
Hit | Choice of Quadjumper, HWK-290, or Eye result Z-95 |
Crit | Choice of Rogue-class with Ion Cannon or Y-Wing with R5 Astromech and Ion Turret |
A New Home
Your original base has become uninhabitable and you need a new location to stage your raids from. You have found another small station with some wannabe pirates and scavengers living in it. Kick them out but try not to scratch up the base too much.
Campaign Wrap Up Mission – Pirate Hunter
We are suffering from our success. An Imperial Victory Class Star Destroy has arrived in this sector with a commander known for his success in hunting down pirate groups like ours. Its only a matter of time before we run into it and have to find a way to deal with it.
Objectives: Disable the VSD.
Repairing the Patrol Boat
The PB-950 Patrol Boat comes with you on many missions as a troop carrier and boarding craft. It starts as a Junkyard Special with no weapons and 10 hull with a speed limiter and maneuver restrictions from damaged engines and compensators. The company will set aside a portion of the credits earned from each mission for upgrading the Patrol Boat (Order to be determined by players). Also, any player may choose to pay for an upgrade to the Patrol Boat with their pilot’s credits.

Starting Restrictions
- Max Speed of 2
- All Hard Turns are Red
- No Shields
- No Primary Weapon
- No Turret Weapon
- No Crew slots
- No Gunner slot
- No Coordinate
- No Hyperdrive
- Red Lock
Repair and Upgrade Chart
Upgrade Name | Cost | Prerequisite Upgrade | Affect | |
Replace Ion Engine Core | $5k | None | Dial no longer restricted to speed 2 and lower | |
Install New Hyperdrive | $10k | Replace Engine Ion Core | Hyperdrive escape option available | |
Recalibrate Acceleration Compensator | $5k | None | Hard Turns and Speed > 3 no longer automatically Red maneuvers | |
Replace Turret Capacitors | $5k | None | Turret weapon is now online | |
Install Heavy Ion Cannons | $10k | None | Primary weapon Ion Cannons now online | |
Replace Shield Projectors | $10k | None | Shields now functional | |
Replace Crew Compartment Life Support System | $5k | None | Adds 2 Crew Slots and gunner slot | |
Install Missing Sensor Modules | $5k | None | Replace Red Lock with White Lock | |
Repair Com Board | $5k | None | Gain Red Coordinate | |
Shield Upgrade | $8k | Replace Shield Projectors | +1 Shield | |
Shield Generator | $20k | Replace Shield Projectors | Shields regen 1 every turn | |
Boarding Crew Battle Droid | $5k | None | Boarding Team gains: Before rolling attack die to advance Boarding Team, spend 2 Charges to gain a Calculate Token. (2 Charges Recurring + 1) | |
Boarding Team Elite Training | $15k | None | Boarding Team gains: Spend 1 Charge to reroll 1 attack die (2 Charges Non-Recurring) |
Ship, Modification, and Ability Cost Tables
Totally Legit Used Ship Broker
Cost | Ship Model | Slots | Base Threat Value |
Free | TYE-Wing | Illicit | 10 |
$11k | Y-TIE | Illicit, Mod, Turret, Astromech | 15 |
$22k | Modified TIE/ln | Mod | 20 |
$22k | Z-95 Headhunter | Missile, Illicit, Mod | 22 |
$25k | M3-A Interceptor | Hardpoint, Mod | 25 |
$28k | Escape Craft | Crew, Mod | 12 |
$30k | HWK-290 | Crew, Payload, Illicit, Mod, Mod | 30 |
$30k | Quadrijet Space Tug | Tech, Crew, Payload, Illicit, Mod | 30 |
$32k | Y-Wing | Turret, Torpedo, Missile, Payload, Illicit, Astromech, Mod | 32 |
$37k | Rogue-class Fighter | Cannon, Cannon, Illicit, Mod | 35 |
$40k | Khiraxz Fighter | Missile, Illicit, Illicit, Mod, Mod | 41 |
$41k | Fang Fighter | Torpedo, Mod | 41 |
$41k | G-1A Starfighter | Sensor, Crew, Crew, Illicit, Mod | 41 |
$42k | JumpMaster 5000 | Cannon, Torpedo, Gunner, Crew, Illicit, Mod | 41 |
$44k | M12-L Kimogila | Torpedo, Missile, Astromech, Illicit, Mod | 41 |
$45k | Scuurg H-6 | Turret, Crew, Gunner, Payload, Payload, Mod | 45 |
$47k | ST-70 Assault Ship | Crew, Crew, Gunner, Illicit, Illicit, Mod | 47 |
$55k | Starviper | Tech, Torpedo, Mod | 55 |
$56k | GAT-12h Skipray Blastboat | Crew, Missile, Torpedo, Gunner, Mod | 56 |
$56k | Lancer Pursuit Craft | Crew, Illicit, Illicit, Mod | 56 |
$60k | YV-666 | Cannon, Missile, Crew, Crew, Gunner, Illicit, Mod | 51 |
$62k | Gauntlet Fighter | Crew, Gunner, Illicit, Payload, Mod | 54 |
$63k | PB-950 Patrol Boat | Missile, Gunner, Crew, Crew, Illicit, Mod | 65 |
$65k | Firespray Patrol Craft | Crew, Cannon, Missile, Payload, Illicit, Mod | 62 |
$70k | YT-1300 | Missile, Crew, Crew, Illicit, Gunner, Mod | 50 |
$80k | YT-2400 | Missile, Crew, Crew, Illicit, Mod | 69 |
Fell Off a Freighter Military Surplus Ship Dealer
Cost | Ship Model | Slots | Base Threat Value |
$33k | TIE/ln Fighter | Mod | 22 |
$65k | TIE/in Interceptor | Mod, Mod | 32 |
$60k | TIE/sa Bomber | Torpedo, Missile, Missile, Gunner, Payload, Payload, Mod | 29 |
$90k | Lambda T4-a Shuttle | Sensor, Cannon, Crew, Crew, Mod | 41 |
$150k | VT-49 Decimator | Torpedo, Crew, Crew, Crew, Gunner, Payload, Mod | 67 |
$82k | T-65 X-wing | Illicit, Torpedo, Astromech, Mod | 40 |
$62k | RZ-1 A-wing | Missile | 30 |
$83k | A/SF-01 B-wing | Sensor, Cannon, Cannon, Torpedo, Mod | 40 |
$88k | UT-60D U-wing | Sensor, Crew, Crew, Illicit, Mod | 43 |
$50k | Naboo Royal N-1 Starfighter | Sensor, Astromech, Torpedo | 29 |
$90k | ARC-170 Starfighter | Torpedo, Crew, Gunner, Astromech, Mod | 42 |
Upgrades and Modifications
Astromech Upgrades
Type | Name | Restrictions | Cost / Threat Points |
Astromech | R2 Astromech | 6 | |
Astromech | R3 Astromech | 3 | |
Astromech | R4 Astromech | 2 | |
Astromech | R5 Astromech | 4 | |
Astromech | Watchful Astromech | 2 | |
Astromech | “Genius” | 2 | |
Astromech | R4-B11 | 3 | |
Astromech | R5-P8 | 4 | |
Astromech | R5-TK | 1 |
Cannon Upgrades
Type | Name | Restrictions | Cost / Threat Points |
Cannon | Autoblasters | 4 | |
Cannon | Heavy Laser Cannon | 4 | |
Cannon | Ion Cannon | 7 | |
Cannon | Jamming Beam | 0 | |
Cannon | Tractor Beam | 4 | |
Cannon | Proton Cannon | 2 Cannon slots | 5 |
Cannon | Synced Laser Cannon | 2 Cannon slots | 7 |
Crew Upgrades
Scum Crew are treated as a single mission upgrade if hired with credits. The Organizer career may spend XP instead to hire a Scum Crew as a permanent Crew upgrade. The Cyborg career may spend XP to hire Droid Scum Crew as a permanent Crew Upgrade. Once a Scum crew is lost in combat to ship destruction, they cannot be rehired.
Type | Name | Restrictions | Cost / Threat Points |
Crew | Freelance Slicer | 2 | |
Crew | GNK “Gonk” Droid | 5 | |
Crew | Novice Technician | 2 | |
Crew | Perceptive Copilot | 8 | |
Crew | Seasoned Navigator | 8 | |
Crew | Tactical Officer | 3 | |
Scum Crew | Hondo Ohnaka | Organizer | 5 |
Scum Crew | 0-0-0 | Organizer/Cyborg | 5 |
Scum Crew | 4-LOM | Organizer/Cyborg | 2 |
Scum Crew | Bo-Katan Kryze | Organizer | 2 |
Scum Crew | Boba Fett | Organizer | 2 |
Scum Crew | Cad Bane | Organizer | 3 |
Scum Crew | The Child | Organizer | 6 |
Scum Crew | Cikatro Vizago | Organizer | 1 |
Scum Crew | Fenn Rau | Organizer | 8 |
Scum Crew | Gamut Key | Organizer | 6 |
Scum Crew | Greef Karga | Organizer | 8 |
Scum Crew | IG-11 | Organizer/Cyborg | 6 |
Scum Crew | IG-88D | Organizer/Cyborg | 3 |
Scum Crew | Ketsu Onyo | Organizer | 3 |
Scum Crew | Kuil | Organizer | 6 |
Scum Crew | Lando Calrissian | Organizer | 6 |
Scum Crew | Latts Razzi | Organizer | 5 |
Scum Crew | L3-37 | Organizer/Cyborg | 4 |
Scum Crew | The Mandalorian | Organizer | 4 |
Scum Crew | Maul | Organizer | 11 |
Scum Crew | Pelli Motto | Organizer (Medium or Large ship) | 3 |
Scum Crew | Prime Minister Almec | Organizer | 9 |
Scum Crew | Protectorate Gleb | Organizer | 6 |
Scum Crew | Qi’ra | Organizer | 2 |
Scum Crew | Rook Kast | Organizer | 7 |
Scum Crew | Savage Opress | Organizer | 12 |
Scum Crew | Tobias Beckett | Organizer | 2 |
Scum Crew | Unkar Plutt | Organizer | 2 |
Scum Crew | Zuckuss | Organizer | 2 |
Gunner Upgrades
Type | Name | Restrictions | Cost / Threat Points |
Gunner | Agile Gunner | 3 | |
Gunner | Hotshot Gunner | 6 | |
Gunner | Skilled Bombadier | 2 | |
Gunner | Suppressive Gunner | 7 | |
Gunner | Veteran Tail Gunner | 4 | |
Gunner | Veteran Turret Gunner | Size=>Cost small=>9 / medium=>8 / large=>7 | |
Gunner | Weapons System Officer | 5 | |
Scum Gunner | Boba Fett | 6 | |
Scum Gunner | Bossk | 8 | |
Scum Gunner | BT-1 | 3 | |
Scum Gunner | Dengar | 6 | |
Scum Gunner | Gar Saxon | Large Ship | 10 |
Scum Gunner | Greedo | 1 | |
Scum Gunner | Migs Mayfield | 5 |
Illicit Upgrades
Type | Name | Restrictions | Cost / Threat Points |
Custom Illicit | Bolt on Ion Cannon | 2 | |
Custom Illicit | Makeshift Hull Plates | Agility=>Cost 0=>1 / 1=>1 / 2=>3 / 3=>5 | |
Custom Illicit | Scavenged Shield Generator | Unshielded | Agility=>Cost 0=>1 / 1=>2 / 2=>3 / 3=>5 |
Custom Illicit | Homemade Signal Jammer | 1 | |
Custom Illicit | Improvised Bomb Rack | 2 | |
Custom Illicit | Podracer’s Handicap | Base Size=>Cost Small=>1 / Med=>3 / Large=>5 | |
Custom Illicit | Rocket Assisted Getaway | Small Ship | 2 |
Scum Illicit | Babu Frik | 7 | |
Illicit | Cloaking Device | Small or Medium ship | 3 |
Illicit | Coaxium Hyperfuel | Slam action | 1 |
Illicit | Contraband Cybernetics | 3 | |
Illicit | Deadman’s Switch (does not go off if ship is disabled by Ionization instead of destroyed) | 2 | |
Illicit | False Transponder Codes | 3 | |
Illicit | Feedback Array | 3 | |
Illicit | Hotshot Tail Blaster | Medium or Large ship | 2 |
Illicit | Inertial Dampeners | 5 | |
Illicit | Overtuned Modulators | 3 | |
Illicit | Rigged Cargo Chute | Medium or Large ship | 4 |
Missile Upgrades
Type | Name | Restrictions | Cost / Threat Points |
Missile | XX-23 S-Thread Tracers | 4 | |
Missile | Cluster Missiles | 4 | |
Missile | Concussion Missiles | 6 | |
Missile | Homing Missile | 5 | |
Missile | Ion Missile | 4 | |
Missile | Mag-Pulse Warhead | 6 | |
Missile | Proton Rockets | 5 | |
Missile | Diamond-Boron Missile | 2 Missile slots | 5 |
Missile | Barrage Rockets | 2 Missile slots | 8 |
Missile | Multi-Missile Pods | 2 Missile slots | 4 |
Missile | Electro-Chaff Missiles | Missile and Payload slot | 4 |
Separatist Missile | Discord Missile | Droid Wingman, Aggressor | 4 |
Modification Upgrades
Type | Name | Restrictions | Cost / Threat Points |
Scum Modification | Burnout Thruster | Small or Medium ship | 6 |
Modification | Ablative Plating | Medium or Large ship | 4 |
Modification | Advanced SLAM | Slam Action | 3 |
Modification | Afterburners | Small Ship | 6 |
Modification | Angled Deflectors | Small or Medium Ship, Shielded | 4 |
Modification | Beskar Reinforced Plating | Fang, Firespray, Gauntlet, Star Viper | 6 |
Modification | Delayed Fuses | 1 | |
Modification | Drop Seat Bay | Gauntlet | 1 |
Modification | Electronic Baffle | 2 | |
Modification | Engine Upgrade | Red Boost Action | Base Size=>Cost Small=>3 / Med=>4 / Large=>7 |
Modification | Hull Upgrade | Agility=>Cost 0=>2 / 1=>3 / 2=>5 / 3=>7 | |
Modification | Mandalorian Optics | Fang, Firespray, Gauntlet, Star Viper | 5 |
Modification | Munitions Failsafe | 1 | |
Modification | Precision Ion Engines | TIE, Agility 3 | 2 |
Modification | Shield Upgrade | Agility=>Cost 0=>3 / 1=>4 / 2=>6 / 3=>8 | |
Modification | Spare Parts Canisters | Astromech Equipped | 3 |
Modification | Static Discharge Vanes | 5 | |
Modification | Stealth Device | Agility=>Cost 0=>3 / 1=>4 / 2=>6 / 3=>8 | |
Modification | Tactical Scrambler | Medium or Large ship | 2 |
Modification | Targeting Computer | 2 |
Payload Upgrades
Type | Name | Restrictions | Cost / Threat Points |
Payload | Blazer Bomb | 4 | |
Payload | Cluster Mines | 7 | |
Payload | Concussion Bombs | 4 | |
Payload | Conner Nets | 4 | |
Payload | Ion Bombs | 6 | |
Payload | Proton Bombs | 4 | |
Payload | Proximity Mines | 6 | |
Payload | Seismic Charges | 3 | |
Payload | Thermal Detonators | 5 | |
Payload | Electro-Proton Bomb | Payload and Modification slot, Reload Action | 8 |
Payload | Bomblet Generator | 2 Payload slots | 3 |
Sensor Upgrades
Type | Name | Restrictions | Cost / Threat Points |
Sensor | Advanced Sensors | Base Size=>Cost Small=>13 / Med=>11 / Large=>9 | |
Sensor | Collision Detector | 6 | |
Sensor | Fire-Control System | 2 | |
Sensor | Passive Sensors | 6 | |
Sensor | Trajectory Simulator | Base Size=>Cost Small=>7 / Med=>6 / Large=>5 |
Tech Upgrades
Type | Name | Restrictions | Cost / Threat Points |
Tech | Advanced Optics | 4 | |
Tech | Automated Target Priority | 2 | |
Tech | Biohexacrypt Codes | Lock Action | 1 |
Tech | Deuterium Power Cells | Mod slot | 8 |
Tech | Ferrosphere Paint | 5 | |
Tech | Pattern Analyzer | 5 | |
Tech | Primed Thrusters | Small ship | 9 |
Tech | Targeting Synchronizer | Lock Action | 3 |
Title Upgrades
Type | Name | Restrictions | Cost / Threat Points |
Title | Andrasta | Firespray | 2 |
Title | Havoc | Scurg H-6 | 2 |
Title | Hound’s Tooth | YV-666 | 1 |
Title | IG-2000 | Aggressor | 0 |
Title | Lando’s Falcon | Customized YT-1300 | 2 |
Title | Marauder | Firespray | 6 |
Title | Mist Hunter | G1-A | 1 |
Title | Moldy Crow | HWK-290 | 16 |
Title | Nightbrother | Gauntlet, Modification slot | 3 |
Title | Outrider(2023) | YT-2400 | 8 |
Title | Punishing One | JumpMaster 5000 | 5 |
Title | Razor Crest | ST-70 Assault Ship | 6 |
Title | Shadow Caster | Lancer | 1 |
Title | Slave 1 (Scum) | Firespray | 6 |
Title | Virago | StarViper | 7 |
Title | Xanadu Blood | Rogue | 2 |
Torpedo Upgrades
Type | Name | Restrictions | Cost / Threat Points |
Torpedo | Advanced Proton Torpedoes | 5 | |
Torpedo | Homing Torpedo | 5 | |
Torpedo | Ion Torpedo | 7 | |
Torpedo | Plasma Torpedo | 7 | |
Torpedo | Proton Torpedoes | 12 |
Turret Upgrades
Type | Name | Restrictions | Cost / Threat Points |
Turret | Dorsal Turret | 2 | |
Turret | Ion Cannon Turret | 6 |
Organizer Pilot Abilities
Career Path | Minimum Initiative | XP Cost | Pilot Name | Ability Text |
Organizer | 1 | 2 | Hondo Onakha | Action: Choose 2 non-huge ships at range 0-3 that are not friendly to each other. Each chosen ship may perform an action that is on your action bar, even while stressed, in the order of your choice. Then, gain 1 calculate token. |
Organizer | 2 | 4 | Torkil Mux | At the start of the Engagement Phase, you may choose 1 ship in your firing arc. If you do, that ship engages at initiative 0 instead of its normal initiative value this round. |
Organizer | 2 | 4 | Overseer Yushyn | Before a friendly ship at range 1 would gain a disarm token, if that ship is not stressed, you may spend 1 Charge. If you do, that ship gains 1 stress token instead. (1 Charge, Recurring) |
Organizer | 3 | 6 | Doctor Aphra | Before you engage, you may spend 1 green token and 1 Charge. If you do, you may choose another ship at range 0-1 that is not stressed. The chosen ship gains 1 stress token. (3 Charges, Non-Recurring) |
Organizer | 3 | 6 | Gamut Key | At the start of the End Phase, you may spend 2 Charges to choose yourself or a ship in your Turret Arc with 1 or more circular tokens. During the End Phase, circular tokens are not removed from that ship. (2 Charges, Recurring) |
Organizer | 3 | 6 | Kaa’to Leechos | At the start of the Engagement Phase, you may choose 1 friendly ship at range 0-2. If you do, transfer 1 focus or evade token from that ship to yourself. |
Organizer | 3 | 6 | Manaroo | At the start of the Engagement Phase, you may choose a friendly ship at range 0-1. If you do, transfer all green tokens assigned to you to that ship. |
Organizer | 4 | 8 | Drea Renthal | While a friendly (ship) performs an attack, if the defender is in your firing arc, the attacker may reroll 1 attack die. |
Organizer | 4 | 8 | Kath Scarlett | While you perform a primary attack, if there is at least 1 friendly (ship) at range 0 of the defender, roll 1 additional attack die. |
Organizer | 4 | 8 | Prince Xizor | While you defend, after the Neutralize Results step, another friendly ship at range 0-1 and in the attack arc may suffer 1 Hit or Crit damage. If it does, cancel 1 matching result. |
Organizer | 5 | 10 | Ketsu Onyo | At the start of the Engagement Phase, you may choose 1 ship in both your Primary Arc and Turret Arc at range 0-1. If you do, that ship gains 1 tractor token |
Organizer | 5 | 10 | Serissu | While a friendly ship at range 0-1 defends, it may reroll 1 of its dice. |
Professional Pilot Abilities
Career Path | Minimum Initiative | XP Cost | Pilot Name | Ability Text |
Professional | 3 | 6 | Captain Jostero | After an enemy ship suffers damage, if it is not defending, you may perform a bonus attack against that ship. |
Professional | 3 | 6 | Tor Phun | After you perform an attack, if the defender was destroyed or permanently disabled, you may perform an action, even while stressed. Then you may gain 2 strain tokens to perform a bonus attack. |
Professional | 4 | 8 | Bossk | While you perform a primary attack, after the Neutralize Results step, you may spend 1 Crit result to add 2 Hit results. |
Professional | 4 | 8 | Graz | While you defend, if you are behind the attacker, roll 1 additional defense die. While you perform an attack, if you are behind the defender, roll 1 additional attack die. |
Professional | 4 | 8 | N’dru Suhlak | While you perform a primary attack, if there are no other friendly ships at range 0-2, roll 1 additional attack die. |
Professional | 5 | 10 | Boba Fett | While you defend or perform an attack, you may reroll 1 of your dice for each enemy ship at range 0-1. |
Professional | 5 | 10 | Guri | At the start of the Engagement Phase, if there is at least 1 enemy ship at range 0-1, you may gain 1 focus token. |
Professional | 5 | 10 | Talonbane Cobra | While you defend at attack range 3 or perform an attack at attack range 1, roll 1 additional die. |
Professional | 5 | 10 | The Mandalorian | While you defend or perform an attack, if you are in the Front Arc at range 1-2 of 2 or more enemy ships, you may change 1 of your blank results to a Focus result. |
Professional | 5 | 10 | Old Teroch | At the start of the Engagement Phase, you may choose 1 enemy ship at range 1. If you do and you are in its Front Arc, it removes all of its green tokens. |
Professional | 6 | 12 | Dengar | After you defend, if the attacker is in your Front Arc, you may spend 1 Charge to perform a bonus attack against the attacker. (1 Charge, Recurring) |
Professional | 6 | 12 | Fenn Rau | When you defend or perform an attack, if the attack range is 1, you may roll 1 additional die. |
Gambler Pilot Abilities
Career Path | Minimum Initiative | XP Cost | Pilot Name | Ability Text |
Gambler | 1 | 2 | Nom Lumb (Rogue) | At the start of the Engagement Phase, you may choose 1 enemy ship in your Front Arc. If you do, treat your initiative as equal to that ship’s until the end of the round. |
Gambler | 1 | 2 | Sunny Bounder | While you defend or perform an attack, after you roll or reroll your dice, if you have the same result on each of your dice, you may add 1 matching result. |
Gambler | 2 | 4 | Inaldra | While you defend or perform an attack, you may suffer 1 Hit damage to reroll any number of your dice. |
Gambler | 2 | 4 | Lapin | While you defend or perform an attack, if the enemy ship is stressed, that ship’s dice cannot be modified. |
Gambler | 3 | 6 | Koshka Frost | While you defend or perform an attack, if the enemy ship is stressed, you may reroll 1 of your dice. |
Gambler | 3 | 6 | Laetin A’shera | After you defend or perform an attack, if the attack missed, gain 1 evade token. |
Gambler | 3 | 6 | Rook Kast | Before you engage, you may gain 1 strain token. While you perform a primary attack, if you are strained, you may change one of your blank or Focus results to a Hit result. |
Gambler | 3 | 6 | Zuckuss | While you perform a primary attack, you may roll 1 additional attack die. If you do, the defender rolls 1 additional defense die |
Gambler | 4 | 8 | Dalan Oneros (SV) | After you fully execute a maneuver, you may gain 1 stress token to rotate your ship 90° |
Gambler | 4 | 8 | Kad Solus | After you fully execute a red maneuver, gain 2 focus tokens. |
Gambler | 4 | 8 | Lando Calrissian | After you roll dice, if you are not stressed, you may gain 1 stress token to reroll all of your blank results. |
Gambler | 4 | 8 | Torani Kulda | After you perform an attack, each enemy ship in your Bullseye suffers 1 Hit damage unless it removes 1 green token. |
Gambler | 4 | 8 | Viktor Hel | After you defend, if you did not roll exactly 2 defense dice, the attacker gains 1 stress token. |
Slicer Pilot Abilities
Gearhead Pilot Abilities
Demolitions Pilot Abilities
Career Path | Minimum Initiative | XP Cost | Pilot Name | Ability Text |
Demolitions | 0 | 4 | G4R-GOR | After you defend, each other ship at range 0 suffers 1 Crit damage. |
Demolitions | 3 | 6 | Ahhav | While you defend or perform an attack, if the enemy ship is a larger size than you, roll 1 additional die. |
Demolitions | 3 | 6 | Padric | After a friendly device that you have locked detonates, each enemy ship at range 0-1 of that device gains 1 strain token. |
Demolitions | 3 | 6 | Quinn Jast | At the start of the Engagement Phase, you may gain 1 disarm token to recover 1 Charge on 1 of your equipped (Munition) upgrades. |
Demolitions | 3 | 6 | Sol Sixxa | If you would drop a device using a 1 Straight template, you may drop it using any other speed 1 template instead. |
Demolitionist | 4 | 8 | Constable Zuvio | If you would drop a device, you may launch it using a 1 Straight instead. |
Demolitions | 4 | 8 | Eemon Azameen | If you would drop a device using a 1 Straight template, you may use the 3 Turn Left , 3 Straight, or 3 Turn Right template instead. |
Demolitions | 4 | 8 | Joy Rekkoff | While you perform an attack, you may spend 1 Charge from an equipped Torpedo upgrade. If you do, the defender rolls 1 fewer defense die. |
Demolitions | 4 | 8 | Tel Trevura | If you would be destroyed, you may spend 1 Charge. If you do, discard all your damage cards, suffer (Your Base Hull – 1) Hit damage, and place yourself in reserves instead. At the start of the next Planning Phase, place yourself within range 1 of your player edge. (1 Charge, Non-Recurring) |
Demolitions | 5 | 10 | Captain Nym | Before a friendly bomb or mine would detonate you may spend 1 Charge to prevent it from detonating. While you defend against an attack that is obstructed by a bomb or mine roll 1 additional defense die. (1 Charge, Recurring) |
Cyborg Pilot Abilities
Miner Pilot Abilities
Career Path | Minimum Initiative | XP Cost | Pilot Name | Ability Text |
Miner | 2 | 4 | Lapin | While you defend or perform an attack, if the enemy ship is stressed, that ship’s dice cannot be modified. |
Miner | 2 | 4 | Sarko Plank | While you defend, you may treat your agility value as equal to the speed of the maneuver you executed this round. |
Miner | 2 | 4 | Unkar Plutt | At the start of the Engagement Phase, if there are one or more other ships at range 0, you and each other ship at range 0 gain 1 tractor token. |
Miner | 3 | 6 | Ahhav | While you defend or perform an attack, if the enemy ship is a larger size than you, roll 1 additional die. |
Miner | 3 | 6 | Captain Seevor | While you defend or perform an attack, before attack dice are rolled, if you are not in the enemy ship’s Bullsey Arc, you may spend 1 Charge. If you do, the enemy ship gains 1 jam token. (1 Charge, Recurring) |
Miner | 3 | 6 | Latts Razzi | At the start of the Engagement Phase, you may choose a ship at range 1 and spend a lock you have on that ship. If you do, that ship gains 1 tractor token. |
Miner | 4 | 8 | Foreman Proach | Before you engage, you may choose 1 enemy ship in your Bulleseye Arc at range 1-2 and gain 1 disarm token. If you do, that ship gains one tractor token. |
Miner | 4 | 8 | Moralo Eval | If you would flee, you may spend 1 Charge. If you do, place yourself in reserves instead. At the start of the next Planning Phase, place yourself within range 1 of the edge of the play area that you fled from. (2 Charges, Non-Recurring) |
Miner | 5 | 10 | Ketsu Onyo | At the start of the Engagement Phase, you may choose 1 ship in both your Front Arc and Turret Arc at range 0-1. If you do, that ship gains 1 tractor token. |