The 3 Things a Beginner Needs to Increase Your Odds of Cashing a Texas Hold’em Tournament

Too many poker players are just gambling.

They play low percentage hands. They don’t think about their position at the table. They don’t prepare or practice in any sort of way. This leads to poor overall performance.

Doing the opposite of these three mistakes will put you on your way to cashing.

Only play high percentage hands.

Most beginners play too many hands.

Until the final table you should basically only be playing very high percentage hands. This means AA, AK, KK, QQ, AQ, JJ, and maybe TT. This is especially true from early positions.

It might be boring, but the majority of the time you will be folding.

Always consider your position.

Many beginners don’t think about their relative hand strength.

Your hand gets stronger the more players have folded before it gets to you. And your hand can be relatively weaker if there are many more players acting after you. If someone raises before it gets to you, take that as a warning.

Always think about who has already acted and who still has to act.

Watch a lot of good players.

Absorb high level play.

There are a ton of professionals who stream their gameplay regularly. I learned a ton from Jason Somerville before my first tournament cash. Three Twitch streamers I recommend watching for both entertainment value and quality of play / commentary are:

  • @EasyWithAces
  • @LexVeldhuis
  • @spraggy

Take these tips and improve your game.

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