Program your mind thru your body

How you sit, stand, and move can affect your decision making and attitude.

You probably aren’t even aware of how you sit and stand a majority of the time. Most people are not mindful of their posture. These are some common mistakes people make with their body that lead to poor outcomes:

  • Slouching
  • Frowning
  • Crossing their arms
  • Looking down

Try these changes to make for a better day.

Smile, even when on a phone call.

Forcing yourself to smile, even when you don’t feel like it will make you feel happier and more confident.

There is a connection between what we show on our face and how we actually feel. Surprisingly it actually goes both ways. If you change your expression it will actually start your internal feeling moving to match it.

The positivity will come thru your voice as well.

Check in on your posture.

Then correct it.

Try to form the habit of thinking about your posture about once an hour or so. Look up proper posture and do your best to mimic it. Good posture will help prevent back pain, help you breathe properly, and make you more attractive.

You may need to strengthen some muscles to correct bad posture.

Try “power poses.”

It sounds silly, but it works.

Sitting and standing like a person with power will change your mood to feel more confident and assertive.

  • Stand like a superhero (chest out, hands on hips).
  • Lean back in your chair with your feet on the desk (like the Boss).
  • Put your hands in the air in a V shape like you are celebrating.

Change your body and you will change your mind.

I Want to Be a Better Developer