Take small steps every day

A small step everyday is the recipe for success.

The first step makes the second step easier. If you put on your shoes, going for a run becomes that much easier. The laws of physics apply in a sense to motivation and getting things done.

If you take the first step you are likely to take the second.

Make the steps small and easy.

Each step should be almost ridiculously small.

It becomes almost embarrassing that you didn’t do something that takes less than 5 minutes. Then it compounds. You do the next one and the next one and the next one.

Before you know it you have achieved something great.

You will underestimate the compound effect.

A small step everyday is the recipe for success.

For example if you were to write only 500 words a day, in a year you would have written 182,500 words. That’s about 2 novels worth of writing. Or if you were to learn 2 words in a new language per day, you would know 730 after a year. That’s enough to have almost all the conversations you will ever have. (see fluentforever.com for a list).

The first step is to sit down with pen and paper or a laptop and write.

Life will try to derail you.

That is why keeping each step small is important.

If it is easy to get started again, you are more likely to regain your momentum. Feeling overwhelmed by a task is what makes you avoid it and causes you to quit.

Keep taking the small step everyday and hop back on if life tries to kick you off.

I Want to Be a Better Developer