Treat the Source Not Just the Symptoms

Are you only treating the symptoms of your problem and not the root cause?

This seems like a ridiculously common approach. People who are tired reach for more coffee. They don’t try to correct their bad sleep habits. People with headaches reach for ibuprofen or aspirin. They don’t make sure they are hydrated, well rested, and have good posture.

A bad lifestyle is harder to change, but the results are worth it.

What problems in your life are you treating but not solving?

There are many areas people have pain left untreated.

A few common examples:

  • Finances: unchecked spending bandaided with debt.
  • Physical pain: poor lifestyle symptoms treated with pharmaceuticals
  • Stress and Anxiety: not making changes that they could, coping with escapism or drugs/alcohol

If you examine your life, do you find you are kicking a problem down the road treating only the symptom?

Identify the root of the problem.

You probably already know what it is.

But if you don’t, the wisdom of the world is available via the internet. There are very few problems (for individuals) that someone doesn’t know the root cause of. Some take a little experimentation on an individual level, especially diet related issues.

Seek and you will find.

Do the work, make the change.

The problem won’t solve itself.

You have to do the exercises, change your habits, confront the source. Whatever the root is, you are the one who has to take responsibility and make the changes. No one else is going to make your life better.

When are you going to step up and solve the source of the pain?

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